Przejdź do treści głównej
Plan zarządzania

Roczne sprawozdania z działalności za 2015 r.

Informacje szczegółowe

Data publikacji
19 marca 2016


Każda dyrekcja generalna i agencja wykonawcza Komisji Europejskiej publikuje roczne sprawozdanie z działalności. Zawiera ono szczegółowe informacje o wynikach działań, podjętych inicjatywach oraz środkach finansowych wydanych w ciągu roku i dostępnych w tym okresie zasobach ludzkich.


  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Budżetu

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Budget for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Działań w dziedzinie Klimatu

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Climate Action for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Komunikacji Społecznej

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Communication for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Konkurencji

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Competition for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Energii

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Energy for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Środowiska

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Environment for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Europejski Urząd ds. Zwalczania Nadużyć Finansowych

Annual activity report of the European Anti-Fraud Office for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Eurostat

Annual activity report of Eurostat for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Usług Cyfrowych

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Informatics for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Tłumaczeń Ustnych

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Interpretation for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Urząd Publikacji Unii Europejskiej

Annual activity report of the Publications Office for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Europejska Agencja Wykonawcza ds. Badań Naukowych

Annual activity report of the Research Executive Agency for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Handlu

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Trade for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Tłumaczeń Pisemnych

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Translation for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.