Direct la conținutul principal
Planul de gestionare

Rapoartele anuale de activitate pe 2015


Data publicării
19 martie 2016


Toate departamentele și agențiile executive ale Comisiei Europene realizează rapoarte anuale de activitate. Acestea prezintă rezultatele, inițiativele derulate și resursele financiare și umane utilizate pe parcursul anului respectiv.


  • Annual activity report
  • Direcţia Generală Buget

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Budget for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Politici Climatice

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Climate Action for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Comunicare

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Communication for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Concurență

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Competition for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Energie

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Energy for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Mediu

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Environment for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Eurostat

Annual activity report of Eurostat for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală pentru Servicii Digitale

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Informatics for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Interpretare

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Interpretation for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Oficiul pentru Publicații al Uniunii Europene

Annual activity report of the Publications Office for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Agenția Executivă Europeană pentru Cercetare

Annual activity report of the Research Executive Agency for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Comerț

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Trade for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Direcția Generală Traduceri

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Translation for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.