Glavni sadržaj
Plan upravljanja

Godišnja izvješća o radu za 2015.


Datum objave
19. ožujka 2016.


Svaka služba i izvršna agencija Europske komisije objavljuje godišnje izvješće o radu. U njemu podrobno opisuje postignuća, poduzete inicijative te financijske i ljudske resurse uložene tijekom godine.


  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za proračun

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Budget for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za klimatsku politiku

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Climate Action for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za komunikacije

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Communication for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za tržišno natjecanje

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Competition for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za energetiku

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Energy for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za okoliš

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Environment for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Eurostat

Annual activity report of Eurostat for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za digitalne usluge

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Informatics for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za usmeno prevođenje

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Interpretation for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Zajednički istraživački centar

Annual activity report of the Joint Research Centre for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Ured za publikacije Europske unije

Annual activity report of the Publications Office for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Europska izvršna agencija za istraživanje

Annual activity report of the Research Executive Agency for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za trgovinu

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Trade for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.

  • Annual activity report
  • Glavna uprava za pismeno prevođenje

Annual activity report of the Directorate-General for Translation for 2015, includes achievements and financial and human resources of the department.