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  • News article
  • 20 December 2023
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

EU reaches a major breakthrough towards a common system for managing migration


Migration must be managed in a humane and dignified way and the latest agreements reached today by the EU on the Pact on Migration and Asylum constitute a major breakthrough towards a common system for managing migration in the EU. 

Today, five key files of the Pact have been agreed on. These measures will  

  • establish a new solidarity mechanism amongst EU countries to share the amount of asylum applications between them
  • make asylum, return and border procedures more effective and flexible
  • ensure that the EU is prepared in the future to face situations of crisis
  • gather more accurate data to detect unauthorised movements
  • create uniform rules concerning the identification of non-EU nationals, thus increasing the security within the Schengen area

The agreement reached today reflects the commitment to manage migration in a fair and orderly way, allowing the EU to move from ad-hoc to long-term and sustainable solutions. Moving forward, the Commission is committed to ensuring agreement on all Pact files by the end of this legislative mandate in June 2024. 

For more information 

Press release: Commission welcomes the major progress achieved by Parliament and Council on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Statement by President von der Leyen on the political agreement on the Pact on Migration and Asylum

Migration and asylum

Delivering on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

New Pact on Migration and Asylum


Publication date
20 December 2023
Directorate-General for Communication