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2021 contest

A competition to reward the best young translators in the European Union

Our most sincere congrats to the 27 winners and 219 special mention students  – who managed to navigate between languages with true mastery, wisdom and courage! And our warmest  regards to their parents and teachers. In our hearts we are also with those who were just a millimetre from gold. And those who came up with creative solutions that made us raise our eyebrows, or funny ones that made us laugh out loud. Not to mention those who gave their best. Or – accidentally – fell in love with languages.

The participants could choose to translate between any two of the EU’s 24 official languages. Of the 552 language combinations available, the 2 940 budding translators from 689 schools that took part in the contest used 153, including less common combinations such as Portuguese into Finnish to Bulgarian into Swedish, and Slovak into Greek.

Congratulations to all!