ResponsibilitiesThe Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) has a critical role in supporting a swift economic recovery and the transition to a greener, digitalised and fairer economy in the EU. We work to ensure that taxation and customs deliver on the Union's priorities and provide the revenues needed to fund European investment and growth.We uphold the principle of fair taxation and strive for a simpler tax environment in which businesses can innovate and grow. Modernising our tax policies and fighting tax abuse is a key way to boost public finances and stimulate investment in an equitable manner. We are committed to harnessing the potential of green and digital taxation. We also ensure that EU tax policy actively supports other high-priority policy objectives, given the impact of taxation on behaviours and consumption.The Customs Union is essential to EU prosperity, with its dual role of facilitating smooth trade and protecting our citizens and businesses. We are committed to substantially modernising customs, in line with today's realities, so that it is better equipped to protect our Single Market and budgetary resources. Exploiting the full potential of data analytics and innovative technologies, and strengthening our cooperation with third countries, is key to meeting the challenges of a globalised and digitalised world.DG TAXUD works in partnership with EU countries and businesses in delivering on all our policies and priorities. We also work with third countries and international organisations to make our above-mentioned objectives a reality, influence international standards and reinforce the implementation of EU trade policy.Taxation and Customs Union websiteTransparencyAs part of the Commission's commitment to transparency, Commission staff holding management functions publish information on and minutes of all meetings they hold with interest representatives.Meetings of the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union Leadership and organisation Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra Director-General Gerassimos Thomas 16 JANUARY 2025Taxation and Customs Union - Organisation ChartOther languages (2)Deutsch(436.96 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(434.2 KB - PDF)Download Search for staff Contact Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union NameDirectorate-General for Taxation and Customs UnionPhone number+32 2 299 11 11 (Commission switchboard)Postal addressEuropean Commission 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel Belgium Press contacts DG Taxation and Customs Union Related links More on the topic of taxation and customs union Plans and reports Commission work programmeoverview of institution-wide deliverables for current yearStrategic plandepartment strategy, objectives for 2020-2024Management plandepartment forecasted outputs, activities, resources for current yearAnnual activity report department achievements, resources used during previous year Latest News article10 February 2025Samancta relocates: What you need to know about the new website1 min readNews announcement7 February 2025Extension of the Transition period to the Automated Export System (AES)1 min readNews announcement5 February 2025Transition to the Automated Export System (AES)1 min readSee more news
News article10 February 2025Samancta relocates: What you need to know about the new website1 min read
News announcement7 February 2025Extension of the Transition period to the Automated Export System (AES)1 min read