InhoudInhoud Getting information Under Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, citizens and residents of EU countries have a right of access to the documents of the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission. This means citizens can obtain documents held by the Commission and other institutions, including legislative information, official documents, historical archives and meeting minutes and agendas. How to access documents The Commission makes a number of documents available online with a number of different ways to access information depending on what you are looking for. How to access Commission documents. Access EC articles, e-books and databases at the e-resources library. Track development of EU law-making Citizens can also be involved and stay informed in the development of proposed EU laws from the moment the Commission agrees on it to the planning and adoption of the law. Track law-making Further requests In some instances, a document might be listed but remain unpublished. Therefore a request for access in writing may be required. Make a document request