Mur għall-kontenut ewlieni

Il-Programm ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni tal-2017 – dokumenti ewlenin


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Data tal-pubblikazzjoni
25 Ottubru 2016 (L-aħħar aġġornament: 25 Ottubru 2016)
Is-Segretarjat Ġenerali
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Is-Segretarjat Ġenerali


25 OTTUBRU 2016
Il-Programm ta' Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni tal-2017
25 OTTUBRU 2016
Il-Programm ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni tal-2017 – anness i: inizjattivi ġodda
25 OTTUBRU 2016
Il-Programm ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni tal-2017 – anness ii: inizjattivi REFIT
25 OTTUBRU 2016
Il-Programm ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni tal-2017 – anness iii: proposti pendenti prijoritarji
25 OTTUBRU 2016
Il-Programm ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni tal-2017 – anness iv: irtirar
25 OTTUBRU 2016
Il-Programm ta’ Ħidma tal-Kummissjoni tal-2017 – anness v: tħassir
25 OTTUBRU 2016
Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) and the 10 Priorities of the Commission – scoreboard summary
25 OTTUBRU 2016
Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT) and the 10 Priorities of the Commission – scoreboard
25 OTTUBRU 2016
2017 Commission Work Programme – press release (IP/16/3500)
26 OTTUBRU 2016
2017 Commission Work Programme – questions and answers (MEMO/16/3485)
25 OTTUBRU 2016
2017 Commission Work Programme – infographic
25 OTTUBRU 2016
2017 Commission Work Programme – legislation that becomes applicable in 2017
14 DIĊEMBRU 2016
2017 Commission Work Programme – joint declaration on the EU’s legislative priorities for 2017