Page contentsPage contents Digital Fairness Fitness Check of EU consumer law In its 2020 consumer policy strategy, the “New Consumer Agenda”, the Commission announced that it would analyse whether additional legislation or other action was needed in the medium-term to ensure equal fairness online and offline. In 2022, the Commission launched a Fitness Check of EU consumer law on digital fairness in order to evaluate the situation.On 3 October 2024, the Commission published a Staff Working Document with the conclusions of the Digital Fairness Fitness Check. The aim of the Fitness Check is to evaluate whether the current rules are fit for purpose to ensure a high level of consumer protection in the digital environment. It covers three core Directives: the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, the Consumer Rights Directive, and the Unfair Contract Terms Directive. The Fitness Check shows that these rules remain both relevant and necessary to ensure a high level of consumer protection and effective functioning of the Digital Single Market. At the same time, it identifies several harmful, evolving practices that consumers face online and points to areas for improvement which should be addressed in the future. To achieve digital fairness, the Fitness Check points towards the need to do more to address the identified challenges in the digital environment. This includes tackling the most harmful practices, such as dark patterns, preventing regulatory fragmentation, promoting fair growth, ensuring the coherent application of EU consumer law and the EU digital rulebook, facilitating more effective enforcement, and simplifying existing rules without compromising the level of protection. The content and format of the necessary follow-up action will be determined in the future.The Commission consulted the public through several consultation activities, including a Call for Evidence and a public consultation. The Fitness Check was supported by an external study (see Final Rport Part 1, Part 2 and Annexes ) and existing analyses, such as the behavioural study on unfair commercial practices in the digital environment. 4 OCTOBER 2024Commission Staff Working Document Fitness Check on EU consumer law on digital fairness General publications4 October 2024Study to support the fitness check of EU consumer law on digital fairness and report on the application of the Modernisation Directive Annual Digital Consumer Event 2023The European Commission used its 3rd Annual Digital Consumer Event on 30 November 2023 to discuss with academics, consumer and business associations, as well as authorities, the problems consumers currently face in the digital transition, in particular the burden of proof in consumer law and the addictive design of digital services. Participants discussed whether current EU rules, in particular the Consumer Rights Directive, the Unfair Contract Terms Directive and the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, continue to be effective.The agenda, recording and a summary of the event are available on the event web page. Related links New Consumer AgendaConsumer protection cooperation regulation
General publications4 October 2024Study to support the fitness check of EU consumer law on digital fairness and report on the application of the Modernisation Directive