ResponsibilitiesHaDEA will implement the following programmes (with indicative budget):EU4Health programme: €4.7 billion (out of the total budget of €5.3 billion)Horizon Europe: Pillar II, Cluster 1: Health: €4.1 billionSingle Market Programme: Food safety: health for humans, animals and plants along the food chain and better training for safer food: €1.3 billionDigital Europe Programme: €0.8 billionConnecting Europe Facility: Digital: €1.7 billionHorizon Europe: Pillar II, cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space: €5.6 billionFrom 2021 to 2023, additional budget amounting to €1.6 billion will also available from the Next Generation EU fund for actions that are part of the Digital and Health strands of the Horizon Europe programme.The expected total budget managed by HaDEA will amount to over €20 billion over the 7 years period of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).In addition, the Agency will take over the outstanding financial commitments and projects from the predecessor programmes.European Health and Digital Executive Agency website Leadership and organisation Director Marina Zanchi 14 NOVEMBER 2024HaDEA Organisation Chart Search for staff Contact European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) NameEuropean Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)Phone number+32 2 299 11 11 (Commission switchboard)Postal addressEuropean Commission 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel Belgium Press contacts Contact us Related links About HaDEAFunding opportunitiesTender opportunities Plans and reports Commission work programmeoverview of institution-wide deliverables for current yearAnnual activity reportdepartment achievements, resources used during previous year Latest News article4 March 2025World Obesity Day: EU-funded projects helping to fight childhood and adolescent obesity 3 min readNews article28 February 2025Rare Disease Day: Horizon projects INVENTS and E-Rare-3 4 min readNews article28 February 2025Discover our testimonial videos on lightweight materials1 min readSee more news
News article4 March 2025World Obesity Day: EU-funded projects helping to fight childhood and adolescent obesity 3 min read