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Internal Audit Service (IAS) history


In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Internal Audit Service (IAS) launched a history book.

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The Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the European Commission was created as a part of Administrative Reform in the late nineties.

It became an independent Service on the 4th of July 2001.

The Internal Audit Capabilities (IACs) and the Audit Progress Committee of the European Commission (APC) were created at the same time.

In 2003, the IAS was mandated to audit the EU agencies – today it has over 40 agencies and bodies in its portfolio.

The IAS was declared compliant with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Standards and Code of Ethics on the 4th of July 2008, following an external quality review.  Since then, further external quality assessments (EQA) have been completed with the IAS achieving the same satisfactory overall assessment of being generally compliant with the IIA Standards and Code of Ethics.


IAS History

  1. July, 2001

    The IAS becomes an independent service, with Jules Muis as Director General.The new Service is part of the changed audit architecture in the Commission, reporting to the Audit Progress Committee (APC) of the European Commission, and co-ordinates with the Internal Audit Capabilities (IACs) embedded in each Directorate-General.

  2. 2002

    The IAS continues to implement Action 87 of the Reform White Paper: “the Internal Audit Service will carry out a complete cycle of indepth audits of management and control systems in all DGs”.

  3. 2003

    The revised Financial Regulation (Article 185) makes the IAS auditor of the EU agencies.

  4. 2004

    Jules Muis steps down as DG, to be replaced by Walter Deffaa.


  5. 2005

    Risk management becomes embedded in the Commission’s SPP/ABM planning cycle.The IAS sets up a dedicated quality cell.


  6. 2006

    The IAS carries out a quality review of the Internal Audit Capabilities (IACs).


  7. 2007

     The Mission charter of the IAS is updated, and a model charter for IACs introduced.


  8. 2008

    Certification – the IAS undergoes a quality review which led to certification that its audit activity within the Commission generally complies with the Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) Standards and Code of Ethics.

  9. 2009

    Walter Deffaa leaves the IAS; Brian Gray becomes the third Director General of the Service.

  10. 2010


    Landmark 75th meeting of Auditnet, the forum for exchange of best practice and co-ordination between the IAS and the IACs

  11. 2011

    Overall Opinion

    The IAS completes its first Overall Opinion into the state of internal control in the Commission. The IAS becomes the Internal Auditor of the European External Action Service

  12. 2012


    Philippe Taverne takes over from Brian Gray as a Director Generalof the Service

  13. 2015


    The Commission decided to centralise its internal audit function. As a consequence the Internal Audit Capabilities were dismantled and the IAS remained the sole internal audit functionfor the Commission and its Executive Agencies.The IAS Charter has consequently beenupdated.

  14. 2016


    Jeff Mason becomes the acting Director-Generalof the IAS

  15. 2017


    Manfred Kraff has become Director-General of the IAS. Revision of the IAS mission Chater to align it with the changes in the International Professional Practices Framework.

  16. 2020

    New IAS Mission

    Revision of the Mission Charter to reflect the changes of the NewCommission 2019-2024