Information about national residence schemes for each EU country - European Commission
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Information about national residence schemes for each EU country

To facilitate access of UK nationals to information about national residence schemes and support available measures, the European Commission put together key information from available sources. As the situation may evolve, UK nationals are advised to check with the relevant national authorities who are the first contact point for UK nationals and who can directly assist them.

Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czechia - Denmark - Estonia - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Austria before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Austria.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Austria in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: The deadline for application under Article 18(1)(b) of the Withdrawal Agreement was 31 December 2021 or for family members within three months of their arrival in Austria (or birth/adoption), whichever is later.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 January 2021.

UK nationals and their family members are entitled to apply for a new residence status (residence permit "Art 50 EUV") with the competent Settlement and Residence authority in Austria. In addition to a valid identity document, further documents as provided in the Withdrawal Agreement have to be submitted with the application. The application is to be made in person. UK nationals and their family members had until 31 December 2021 to apply for their new residence status. Offices remained open for applications also during the Covid-19 lockdown, which was communicated as well (see below).

Family members can derive a right of residence from their sponsor holding a residence permit "Article 50 TEU" or residence permit "Article 50 TEU - Permanent Residence" or has at least applied for it in time. Which requirements have to be met depends on whether the family member can invoke the Withdrawal Agreement or require a national residence permit under the Settlement and Residence Act (Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz – NAG). Concerned family members who fall within the scope of the Withdrawal Agreement must apply in person within three months of their arrival in Austria (or birth/adoption) for their new residence status. They must apply for their new residence status (Residence permit "Art 50 EUV") with the competent Settlement and Residence authority in Austria. In addition to a valid identity document, further documents as provided in the WA and § 7 of the national Withdrawal Agreement implementing ordinance (BREXIT-Durchführungsverordnung – BREXIT-DV) have to be submitted with the application.

Late application policy: 

Austria has set the deadline for applications until 31 December 2021 (see § 3 para 2 of the national WA implementing ordinance (BREXIT-Durchführungsverordnung – BREXIT-DV) (see here: RIS - Brexit-Durchführungsverordnung - Bundesrecht konsolidiert ( Furthermore, sub-section 3, para 4 of the national Withdrawal Agreement implementing ordinance contains a reference to Article 18(1)(d) and reasons for which an out-of-time application will be accepted. They can be varied and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Conceivable cases would be for example a failure to meet the deadline due to (severe) illness or if the applicant, who was previously a minor, has then reached the age of majority and the guardians who were obligated at the time have missed the deadline for filing the application for the minor. Guidance to this end has been published (see below).

Available assistance: 

To improve implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement, national authorities are providing on-going training to local authorities in all provinces. All persons, in particular vulnerable UK nationals, will be assisted in making the application by the authorities.

Where necessary, the authorities must assist with evidence and supporting documents and advise how the procedure can be accelerated. In most cases only one appointment with the authority will be required, as the residence permit will then be mailed to the beneficiary.

The Austrian authorities operate a Citizens Service (phone +43 (0) 800 222 666 and email

Statistical data: 

The Austrian authorities estimate that there are around 9 500 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 10 100 applications were made for a new Austrian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 3 700 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 5 500 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Austria but live elsewhere can find more information about Austrian laws at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Belgium before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Belgium.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Belgium in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 31 December 2021

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 January 2021.

After examination of the conditions, UK nationals and their family members received their new residence document from the municipality. Those who were not yet registered were able to apply for a residence document for beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement at the local municipality and they received their new document after the Immigration Office examined compliance with the conditions. UK nationals and their family members had until 31 December 2021 to apply for their new residence status.

UK nationals and their family members will have until 31 December 2021 to apply for their new residence status.

Late application policy: 

Late applications must be submitted to the municipal authority of the applicant’s place of residence.

The examination by the Belgian immigration authorities is carried out on a case-by-case basis and is made upon an assessment of all the relevant circumstances and reasons for not respecting the deadline. This assessment is done in a flexible and pragmatic way.

Available assistance: 

The Belgian authorities provide training to local municipalities, which are the first point of contact in Belgium for UK nationals, including vulnerable groups, and are making sure that they are well informed about the new procedures in place. 

Belgium specifically chose to carry out a targeted communication by letter which enabled outreach to vulnerable groups and personally inform them about the procedure.

UK nationals can contact the Immigration Office whenever they have a problem. If necessary, assistance will be provided for via email ( or by phone (+32 24 88 80 00). The Belgian authorities also reach out to external partners that assist foreigners and provide training.

Statistical data: 

The Belgian authorities estimate that there are around 9 700 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 12 900 applications were made for a new Belgian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 6 100 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 6 200 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers:

United Kingdom nationals who work in Belgium but live elsewhere can find more information about Belgian laws at and

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Bulgaria before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Bulgaria.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Bulgaria in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 February 2020 and issuance of the new residence documents started in the beginning of July 2020.

UK nationals and their family members falling under the Withdrawal Agreement maintain their rights of residence under the legislation applicable to the EU citizens. Those who hold valid Bulgarian residence documents can use them up to one year after the end of the transition period or the expiry date of their documents – whichever comes first. UK nationals and their family members arriving during the transition period have to submit an application in order to be issued a document under the Withdrawal Agreement within three months from arrival.

Legislation, adopted for the state of emergency due the Covid-19 pandemic extended the validity of the documents under the Free Movement Directive (including those issued to UK nationals and their family members) that expire between 13 March 2020 and 31 January 2021 by 6 months.

Available assistance: 

UK nationals may submit questions and receive assistance by contacting the Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Interior by email at

The Bulgarian authorities also reply to specific questions of UK nationals forwarded by the British Embassy. Where UK nationals cannot visit the national authorities in person due to illness, disability or other reasons, they can request that an official comes to their home, hospital or other institution.
Migration officers are trained at specialised Brexit workshops and receive regular follow-up guidance on how to assist UK nationals.

Statistical data: 

The Bulgarian authorities estimate that there are around 15 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 18 March 2024, 16 100 applications were made for a new Bulgarian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 12 400 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 3 700 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Croatia before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Croatia.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Croatia in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

As of 1 January 2021, Croatia is applying a declaratory residence scheme for UK nationals and their family members, who are Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries.

Legislative changes were made to implement the Withdrawal Agreement. Act on the amendments to the Act on Nationals of Member States of the European Economic Area was adopted by the Croatian Parliament on 15 December 2020 and it entered into force on 1 January 2021.(Official Gazette, No 144/20, available here (Croatian only)). 

Further amendments to the Act on EEA nationals and their family members (Official Gazette, No 114/22), is available here (Croatian only), applicable as of 1 January 2023 (due to accession to euro area). 

Amendments to the Ordinance on EEA nationals and their family members (Official Gazette, No 143/20) came into force on 1 January 2021. (Official Gazette, No 148/20, available here-Croatian only). 

Further amendments to the Ordinance (Official Gazette, No 86/21) are available here (Croatian only). Amendments to the Ordinance on EEA nationals and their family members (Official Gazette, No 155/22), available here (Croatian only), applicable as of 1 January 2023 (due to accession to euro area).

The declaratory scheme is accompanied with a registration requirement for all the beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement. Registration can be done at the competent police administrations or police stations according to the location of stay that, starting from 1 January 2021, that will issue residence documents confirming that status.

New residence documents are issued in the format provided for by the relevant Commission Implementing Decision and include a statement that they have been issued in accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement.

Available assistance: 

Vulnerable UK nationals will be assisted by local immigration staff (in police administrations or police stations) either by phone or email (available on the Ministry of Interior’s website dedicated to Brexit) in order to correctly submit their applications.

Vulnerable UK nationals who cannot visit the competent authorities in person due to medical reasons are able to submit their applications via third parties (such as lawyers, family members of the same household or officials of homes for elderly) or by post.

As with collection of biometric data, and when needed, home visits can be arranged upon appointment. They can also seek assistance from the Ministry of Interior by phone (385 1 37 88 563) or contact website.

Statistical data: 

The Croatian authorities estimate that there are around 1 100 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 24 April 2024, 1 130 applications were made for a new Croatian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 750 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 330 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers:

United Kingdom nationals who work in Croatia but live elsewhere can find more information about Croatian laws at https: and

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Cyprus before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Cyprus.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Cyprus in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

Following the amendment of the National law of Free Movement N.193(I)/2020, for implementing the Withdrawal Agreement under Article 18(4) and Directive 2004/38/EC, the new residence scheme for UK nationals and their family members operates as of 1 January 2021.

Cyprus is not requiring eligible UK nationals and their UK family members to replace their residence documents issued under the EU Free Movement Directive, where those documents can be used as means of proof of their right to stay in the Republic of Cyprus, although for the family members who are third country nationals and their residence permit has an expiration date, the requirement is mandatory before their residence permit expires.

Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries have the right to apply for the new type of residence document based on Article 18(4) as of 1 January 2021 with no deadline. UK nationals and their family members can submit their application at the Local Immigration Offices and at the Civil Registry and Migration Department by booking an appointment.

Those who hold a valid residence permit issued under the EU Free Movement Directive will only need to submit a valid passport as proof of identity in their new application for the Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries.

UK nationals and their family members who have not obtained a residence document under EU law before the end of the transition period, they are entitled to apply for the new residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement and will have to submit documentary evidence of their residence in Cyprus prior to the end of the transition period. The new document is issued under the uniform format with a reference that is issued under Article 18(4).

Available assistance: 

UK nationals needing assistance with applications can contact The Cypriot local immigration offices and the Civil Registry and Migration Department, located at each town can be reached quickly and easily.

Statistical data: 

The Cypriot authorities estimate that there are around 41 500 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 29 March 2024, 8 200 applications were made for a new Cypriot residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 2 800 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 4 400 as permanent residence status. 

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Czechia before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Czechia.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Czechia in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 February 2020.

Lawfully residing UK nationals and their family members continue to reside in Czechia with their existing residence documents and with the same rights as they had before the transition period. They could submit their applications for residence documents issued under the Withdrawal Agreement as from 1 February 2020. Applicants need to fill in an appropriate form and prove that they are not a threat to public policy or public security and present the required supporting documents.

Between 2 August 2021 and 31 August 2022, temporary residence documents were replaced with biometric residence documents.

Available assistance: 

The public can find a wide range of information on It also provides links to individual institutions and refers to the phone line Eurofon ((+420) 800 200 200).

Two other contact points can assist companies - Green Line for Export ((+420) 800 133 331) and Client Center for Export ((+420) 224 907 820).
The Ministry of Interior runs a hotline for foreigners (phone (+420) 974 820 680 and email

Statistical data: 

The Czech authorities estimate that there are around 7 900 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 10 April 2024, 3 000 applications were made for a new Czech residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 1 700 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 910 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Denmark before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Denmark.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Denmark in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: The deadline for application under Article 18(1)(b) of the Withdrawal Agreement was 31 December 2023. Initially the deadline was 31 December 2021. However, in April 2023 Denmark decided to retroactively prolong the deadline to make it possible for British nationals who missed the deadline to make an in-time application.

Application process: 
The application procedure for obtaining a new residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement has been available since 1 January 2021.

Applications can be submitted online or handed in on a paper form at the service centres of the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration, where biometric data for the residence document will be recorded, and further guidance to applicants is given.

UK nationals and their family members had until 31 December 2023 to apply for their new residence status.

Late application policy: 

Regarding out-of-time applications, the national rules governing the application of Article 18(1)(d) are found in Executive Order No. 1700 of 23 November 2020 on the right of entry, residence and work in Denmark according to the Withdrawal Agreement. 

The Executive Order can be found on , which is the official Danish website containing all Danish legislation:

The assessment of an out-of-time application is to be carried out in accordance with the Executive Order mentioned above and in line with our Guidelines of 5 March 2021 (

From the guidelines it follows that in case of out-of-time applications, the authorities shall make an individual assessment of all relevant circumstances and reasons relied on by the applicant to justify an out-of-time application. As part of the assessment, the authorities should also take into account the consequences of not allowing the submission of the application in the light of the overall purpose of the Withdrawal Agreement, which is to protect existing rights for those, who have taken up legal residence in accordance with EU rules on Free Movement before the end of the transition period.

Further, the digital application form includes an entry page for applicants applying after the deadline. On this entry page (which can be found here -øge/Brexit) their rights and the consequences of sending in a late application are explained.

Available assistance:

Further information can be found at 
As regards vulnerable UK nationals, the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration provides assistance and guidance at their facilities (placed in different parts of the country). Vulnerable applicants can submit their applications on paper.

Statistical data: 

The Danish authorities estimate that there are around 19 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 19 400 applications were made for a new Danish residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 5 200 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 13 300 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Denmark but live elsewhere can find more information about Danish laws at

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Estonia before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Estonia.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Estonia in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme was opened in December 2020.

The new residence status is granted automatically by law adopted in 2019. UK nationals and their family members residing in Estonia will need to request a change of current document for the new residence document.

There is no deadline for exchange of current documents and they can reside and use current residence documents within Estonia up to the end of the date of validity. All Police and Border Guard service centres are open and the current document can be exchanged for a new residence card.

Available assistance: 

UK nationals and family members unable to visit the Police and Border Guard Service Centres may use a representative, social worker or ask help directly from Police and Border Guard. 

In addition, the Police and Border Guard Board and consular officers has the right to exempt a person from payment of the state fees or to reduce the state fee rate based on the economic situation of the person or on the reasoned request of a state or local government agency.

All residents in Estonia may ask for information about application of residence documents or residence issues and ask for advice using phone +37 26 12 35 00 or +37 26 12 30 00 or by sending questions by email:, booking an appointment with advisors, etc.

It is possible to check the validity of the document on the Police and Border Guard web-site:

Statistical data: 

The Estonian authorities estimate that there are around 1 400 resident United Kingdom nationals and their family members.

By 31 December 2023, 830 applications were made for a new Estonian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 360 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 450 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Finland before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Finland.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Finland in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 30 September 2021

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 October 2020 when the enacting legislation entered into force.

UK nationals and their family members who are in Finland under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement may apply for a new residence status under the Withdrawal Agreement. The Finnish Immigration Service announced the processing fees in September 2020. The applications may be submitted either electronically through Enter Finland online service or using a paper form. In order to provide biometric data for the residence card a visit to the Finnish Immigration Service is necessary. UK nationals and their family members had until 30 September 2021 to apply for their new residence status. Family members who join the right holder later should apply within three months of arriving in Finland.

Late application policy: 

The competent Finnish authorities have adopted a policy on how to assess late applications and have assessed the matter of legality ex tunc of the period of residence of a justified late applicant in case of positive decision on 24 April 2021.

Since there is no national legislation concerning the matter, the competent authority i.e. the Finnish Immigration Service has determined/adopted a policy according to which the entire period of residence, including the time period after the end of the grace period until acceptance of the late application is considered as justified and a late applicant will be considered regular ex tunc where a positive decision is eventually taken on the application.

The decisions concerning the “reasonable grounds” by the competent authorities are made upon an assessment of all the circumstances and reasons for not respecting the deadline on a case by case basis.

Available assistance: 

UK nationals can ask local social authorities for support and they can contact Migri by phone (02 95 4 196 00) or e-mail ( Migri also runs a subject-specific service number (02 95 41 96 29) for EU matters that also provides with assistance in Brexit-related questions.

All customers visiting Migri’s service point to submit their application get personal assistance and a 30 minutes appointment with Migri’s official. Customers can also get personal assistance while visiting an application centre of an external service provider.

Migri has published “an application finder” in its website that will guide customers in choosing the correct application form in their specific situation. Migri has published a newsletter aimed and intended for partners who offer guidance e.g. to vulnerable persons to inform all UK nationals to apply for residence status. Migri has also contacted Criminal Sanctions Agency and will inform all UK nationals in their care about their need to apply for residence status.

Statistical data: 

The Finnish authorities estimate that there are around 5 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 29 February 2024, 5 000 applications were made for a new Finnish residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 1 900 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 2 700 as permanent residence status. 

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Finland but live elsewhere can find more information about Finnish laws at

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at and

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in France before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in France.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in France in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 4 October 2021

Application process: 

UK nationals and their family members already living in France before 31 December 2020 had to apply for WA residence documents via a website that was opened on 19 October 2020.

A decree published on 19 November 2020 details the relevant provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement. An order of 20 November 2020 sets the list of documents to be provided.

UK nationals and their family members need to upload a scan of their passport as well as one or several additional documents depending on their situation. After filling out the administrative information and uploading documents, a certificate of application is sent by email. Once the file has been processed, an email is sent to the applicant in order to make an appointment at the prefecture to finalise the request (fingerprinting and photography). Finally, the residence document is sent to the home address.

Initially UK nationals and their family members had until 30 June 2021 to apply for their new residence status.

However, in order to take into account the fact that some British nationals were unable to submit their application by this date (owing to their state of health, to the sanitary measures preventing them from returning to France in time to complete the process…), prefectures were instructed to take into account all applications until 4 October 2021 at the latest. 

The online service was closed on 4 October for the submission of new applications; it remains open for the submission of additional documents which may be requested by the prefectures. 

Since 4 October 2021, late applications can be submitted by UK nationals only via a paper application at the competent prefectures. 

Moreover, the 19 November 2020 decree was modified by the 27 September 2021 decree n°2021-1236, which postpones to 1 January 2022 the date from which the beneficiaries of the agreement will be required to have a residence document.

Late application policy: 

Since 1 January 2022, UK nationals who have not received their residence document can still reside legally in France and benefit from the rights attached to their status (residence, work, social rights) as long as they are able to present the certificate for the submission of their application for a residence permit online, or a receipt for the application for a residence permit issued by the prefecture within the framework of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Article 18(1)(d) is reflected in Article 8 of the decree published on 19 November 2020, according to which “Where the deadline for submitting the application for a residence permit laid down in the preceding paragraphs is not respected, the respective foreign national may be allowed to submit the application within an additional reasonable period of time, if there are legitimate grounds for not meeting the original deadline.”

The legitimate grounds that are taken into account when accepting applications submitted out-of-time could be linked to cases of force majeure, such as the current Covid-19 pandemic (inability to return to France due to illness or border closure), to health problems or professional obligations (travel or stay abroad for professional reasons).

Available assistance: 

The process for the residence document application was designed in order to minimise the necessity to come to the prefecture, which was helpful for elderly people, those residing far away or physically disabled. A maximum of one trip to the prefecture was necessary, because the residence document was sent directly to the home address.

People who did not have easy access to new online technologies found at their disposal computers in prefecture, with free access or with the help of a guide.

These measures were complemented by assistance provided by four organisations funded by the British government that worked in partnership with the prefectures to provide specific support to vulnerable people. In general, UK nationals can ask for assistance at

Statistical data: 

The French authorities estimate that there are around 142 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 169 600 applications were made for a new French residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 41 600 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 105 900 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in France but live elsewhere can find more information about French laws at

They can request their frontier worker document from the ‘’préfecture’’ of the place where their activity takes place.

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Germany before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Germany.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Germany in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

As the legal provisions regarding the new residence scheme went into force on 24 November 2020, authorities accept submissions of the required notifications of the residence of UK nationals and their family members. Depending on the authority, processing of the notifications had already started in January 2021 at the latest.

UK nationals and their family members will obtain the right to stay in Germany under the Withdrawal Agreement by operation of law. Those without an already issued residence document had to notify their presence until 30 June 2021. A notification is still possible after that date.

The respective residence document will be issued by the authorities without application, however, the persons are obliged to provide the required biometrics and travel document, as well as the information required for the assessment of the existence of the right. Documents are issued in card format.

Preliminary documents (issued until the residence document is ready) can be obtained upon application, in particular to facilitate travel within the Schengen area.

Available assistance: 

The German authorities adopted national guidelines for the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement to ensure uniform and correct implementation of the rules. The laws and the national guidelines for the implementation are designed in a manner that it allows the authorities to operate procedures in a manner reducing administrative burden for the persons concerned to a minimum.

The German authorities must provide information on the rights and obligations of the persons concerned in the administrative procedure (see also section Communication and outreach above). Where necessary, the authorities must assist with evidence and supporting documents and advise how the procedure can be accelerated. The official information provided on the internet on the issue by the federal government is technically designed in a manner that it is thoroughly accessible by the impaired.

All institutions, mainly local, which provide assistance to vulnerable persons in all matters of daily life can also assist vulnerable UK nationals.

To supplement this assistance, the British government has also provided support via by the International Organisation for Migration (phone +49 (0)30 206 06 61 11, email and SSAFA (phone 0800 731 4880, e-mail under the UK Nationals Support Fund.

Statistical data: 

The German authorities estimate that there are around 68 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 29 February 2024, 54 300 applications were made for a new German residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 10 200 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 31 600 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Germany but live elsewhere can find more information about German laws at,

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Greece before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Greece.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Greece in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

A Joint Ministerial Decision on the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement regarding the issuance of the residence document under Article 18(4) was published on 19 October 2020. The new residence scheme opened on 1 January 2021.

UK nationals and their family members have the right to apply for the new residence document according to the conditions set out in the EU Free Movement Directive. An indicative administrative application deadline was set for 30 June 2021. This deadline will be extended. The registration for UK nationals is optional, while for family members of UK nationals, who are third country nationals, is mandatory. UK nationals apply in person at the competent police authorities handling foreigners’ issues of the place of their residence, while family members of UK nationals, who are non-EU or non-UK nationals, apply at the competent Foreigners and Migration authorities of the decentralized Administration of their place of residence.

The residence documents that have been issued under the EU Free Movement Directive can be used as proof of the previous status of UK nationals and their family members when they prove their residence status under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Available assistance: 

The Greek authorities adopted national guidelines for the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement to ensure uniform and correct implementation of the rules. The guidelines are addressed both to national authorities and the general public.
Vulnerable UK nationals who cannot visit the competent authorities in person will be visited by police officers to assist with the application and collection of biometric data. Furthermore, their family members or lawyers can apply on their behalf.

UK nationals seeking assistance can contact either the local police authority or the headquarters of the Hellenic Police (Aliens Division) via e-mail ( or by phone ((+30) 21 31 52 01 32 or 21 31 52 04 27) for assistance or advice. For assistance on family members who are third-country nationals, persons concerned can contact the Migration Policy Division via email ( or by phone ((+30) 21 32 12 89 10). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also operates its helpline ((+30) 21 03 68 41 41).

In addition, UK nationals receive personal, customized replies to their questions according to their specific circumstances, from the competent authorities (questions are disseminated to the relevant competent ministries) though the online contact form (in Greek and English) of the Greek BREXIT website.

Statistical data: 

The Greek authorities estimate that there are around 25 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 26 February 2024, 20 300 applications were made for a new Greek residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 7 500 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 12 700 as permanent residence status. 

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Hungary before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Hungary.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Hungary in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status.

Deadline to apply: 31 December 2021

Application process: 

EU citizens are obliged to register their residence with the relevant Hungarian authority. This requirement continued to apply for UK nationals and their family members during the transition period. 

Act CXLI of 2020 on the right of residence of the citizens of the United Kingdom and their family members in view of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union modified the Act I of 2007 on the entry and residence of persons with the right of free movement and residence, a new Article has been adopted. According to this regulation, the beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement had to apply for the new residence status. The new residence scheme was basically open from 1 January 2021 until 31 December 2021.

Late application policy: 

The general application period for Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries was basically closed by 31 December 2021. However, the law provides for a late application possibility, where the reasons for delay have to be verified and applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Available assistance: 

Informative series of events also ensured the possibility to enquire about special situations. UK nationals and their family members seeking assistance may contact the immigration authority via call centre (+36 14 63 92 92).

Email addresses and phone numbers of central and regional offices are also published. Client services provide assistance and guidance in person upon online appointment booking. Filing applications is possible in person as well as electronically. In order to inform the WA beneficiaries, National Directorate General for Aliens Policing made extra effort in December 2021 by sending almost 3800 bilingual letters to possible beneficiaries.

Statistical data: 

The Hungarian authorities estimate that there are around 2 500 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 20 March 2024, 2500 applications were made for a new Hungarian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement and were granted permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Hungary but live elsewhere can find more information about Hungarian laws at in 95.§. 

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Ireland before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Ireland.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Ireland in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

Under the Common Travel Area (CTA) arrangement between Ireland and the UK, UK nationals can move freely and reside in Ireland, and are afforded a number of associated rights and privileges, including access to employment, healthcare, education, social benefits and the right to vote in certain elections, without any requirement to obtain permission. UK nationals are specifically exempt from 'non-national' status under Irish law. Commitment to the CTA was reaffirmed by Ireland and the UK with a Memorandum of Understanding in May 2019. The CTA was also recognised in the Windsor Framework (formerly the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland). While there is no necessity for a UK national resident in Ireland to apply for a residence document, a residence document can be issued to those seeking to document rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

The application procedure for obtaining a new residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement was initially available from 1 January 2021 until 31 December 2021 for non-UK national family members who hold a valid residence card issued under the EU Free Movement Directive. This timeframe was extended to 30/06/2022 to give those who had not yet applied an opportunity to do so. 

The application procedure for eligible UK nationals obtaining the new residence document under the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) (Citizens’ Rights) Regulations 2020 has been available since 1 January 2021 and remains open-ended. Applications are in a paper form at the local registration offices of the Immigration Service where biometric data for the residence document will be recorded. The applicant must also produce a valid passport as well as documentation evidencing residence and exercise of rights under the Withdrawal Agreement. There is no application or processing fee. Once the application has been processed, the residnce document will be sent to the applicant’s address of residence in the State.

Available assistance: 
Assistance and advice on residence rights is provided by dedicated mailboxes at and

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at Impact-of-Brexit-on-UK-Nationals-in-Ireland-and-their-non-EEA-national-family-members-March-2022.pdf ( 

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Italy before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Italy.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Italy in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 February 2020.
UK nationals and their family members should have informed their municipality of residence (comune) of their presence before the end of the transition period and followed the existing rules for EU citizens in Italy (the EU Free Movement Directive, as transposed in Italy by the Legislative Decree n. 30 of 6 February 2007). 

Starting from 1 January 2021, UK nationals and their family members, who are registered in the Italian population register at 31 December 2020, can apply for the issue of the new residence document at the competent police office of the province of residence by submitting a certificate of personal registration, issued by the municipality of residence, which proves registration by 31 December 2020 or, alternatively, self-certification of being registered in the population register by 31 December 2020 and that registration has not been subsequently cancelled.

Issuing of the new document has been proceeding swiftly thanks also to a specific detailed guidance (administrative circular) for the provincial police offices (Questura) in charge of the issuing of the new document.

UK nationals who are not yet registered in the registry by 31 December 2020, but who can prove, with suitable documentation, their legal stay in the Italian territory on or before 31 December 2020 (e.g. employment contract, certificate of enrolment in a course of study) may in any case apply for the electronic residence document at the Police Headquarters of the province of residence.

Available assistance: 

The Italian Ministry of Interior has adopted administrative circulars for the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement addressed to local authorities to ensure uniform and correct implementation of the procedures related to the issue of the certificate of inscription in the population register of the competent municipality of the UK nationals residing in Italy and their family members.

Since 1 January 2021, the competent police offices have facilitated, for UK nationals and their family members, the setting of appointments to issue the new residence document.

The Ministry of Interior has also agreed with the British Embassy an operating procedure aimed at facilitating the issue of the new residence document in favour of Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries with proven characteristics of vulnerability and illness that prevent them from physically going to the Police Headquarters of competence.

Statistical data: 

The Italian authorities estimate that there are around 33 800 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 3 June 2024, 19 500 applications were made for a new Italian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement 8 700 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 9 100 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Latvia before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Latvia.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Latvia in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 October 2020.
To get the new status UK nationals and their family members will have to submit an application and copy of travel documents to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

Applications and copies of travel documents can be sent either by post or courier service, or submitted electronically with the secure electronic signature affixed. Application should be filled in for each person separately. Where an application is submitted electronically, the applicant will receive a confirmation of receipt holding a statement that the application will be reviewed within 30 days.

The issuance of new residence permits commenced on 4 January 2021.
UK nationals and their family members had until 30 June 2021 to apply for their new residence status.

Late application policy: 

When considering applications submitted after 30 June 2021, the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law will be observed, which stipulates that each case is assessed individually and all factual and legal circumstances of the case are taken into account.

Available assistance: 

UK nationals, including the vulnerable, can ask for information and assistance by phone (+371 67 20 94 00) or email (

The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs ensures the delivery of identity documents (residence cards) at the place of residence of a person or in a social care institution, if a person is unable to visit the Office due to a health condition.

Statistical data: 

The Latvian authorities estimate that there are around 850 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 1 April 2027, 880 applications were made for a new Latvian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 620 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 260 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Lithuania before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Lithuania.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Lithuania in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened as expected on 1 January 2021.
The new residence status is granted automatically by law. There is no deadline for exchange of current documents issued under the EU Free Movement Directive and UK nationals can reside and use current residence documents up to the end of the date of validity. In the case of travel abroad, they need to exchange their documents for the new residence document.

Family members (non-EU or UK nationals) of UK nationals were required to apply for a new document in three months after 1 January 2021 (before 1 April 2021).

Available assistance: 

Vulnerable UK nationals, unable to visit the Migration Department, can order a mobile visiting service by phone.

UK nationals can book a consultation with the Migration Department and ask for information by phone (8 70 76 70 00, or +370 52 71 71 12 when calling from abroad) or by email to

Statistical data: 

The Lithuanian authorities estimate that there are around 580 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 250 applications were made for a new Lithuanian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 170 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 80 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Luxembourg before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Luxembourg.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Luxembourg in accordance with EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 30 June 2023

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 July 2020.

UK nationals and their family members can apply by submitting an application form with a copy of their travel document. A certificate of application is issued immediately after receipt of the application and sent to the applicants.

The General Department of immigration of the Ministry of Home Affairs assesses the residence situation of the applicants. If applicants are considered to fall within the scope of the Withdrawal Agreement, they receive a letter confirming their status and inviting them to fulfil the steps required for the issuance of the residence document (biometric data collection).

UK nationals and their family members had until 31 June 2023 to apply for their new residence status.

Late application policy:

In the case of a late application under Article 18, Luxembourg will assess all the circumstances and reasons for the non-compliance.

Several scenarios can justify a late application, for example a serious medical condition, impaired physical or mental capacity, pandemic-related reasons or other relevant practical reasons.

Nevertheless, this list is non exhaustive and Luxembourg aims to apply a fair procedure, taking into account all the aspects that can lead to a late application.

Available assistance: 

Several Luxembourgish authorities set up specific contact phone numbers and contact emails to provide information and guidance to UK nationals and their family members.

More specifically, with regard to the General Department of Immigration, a contact email was put in place ( and information over phone is also available (+352 24 78 40 40).

Statistical data: 

The Luxembourgish authorities estimate that there are around 5 300 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 28 March 2024, 4 800 applications were made for a new Luxembourgish residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 2 200 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 2 200 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers:

United Kingdom nationals who work in Luxembourg but live elsewhere can find more information about Luxembourgish laws at

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Malta before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Malta.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Malta in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 17 February 2020.

The application process is based on the place of residence of UK nationals already residing in Malta. Persons arriving during the transition period could submit the application after three months of residence in Malta. All applicants are required to declare criminal convictions.

While it is worth noting that most of the new documents have already been issued, the existing documents will continue to be valid until the residence document in the new EU harmonised format is issued.

UK nationals and their family members had until 30 June 2021 to apply for their new residence status.

Late application policy: 

Identità, which is the authority responsible for issuing residence documents to beneficiaries of the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement shall, in accordance with Article 18(1)(d), allow persons, who failed to submit the said application before the said deadline, to submit their application on the basis of justified reasons.

The Maltese Authorities will consider each request on a case-by-case basis. They shall also be flexible on the period within which the application may be lodged. Indeed the said Authorities have, since the above-mentioned deadline, received such requests and where justified, acceded to the relative requests.

Available assistance: 

Vulnerable UK nationals have priority when attending their appointments and third parties can submit residence application on behalf of housebound persons.

UK nationals can seek assistance on phone (+356 25 90 48 00 for Malta and +356 22 15 61 22 for Gozo) or by email ( for Malta or for Gozo).

Statistical data: 

The Maltese authorities estimate that there are around 11 500 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 11 200 applications were made for a new Maltese residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 10 500 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 700 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Netherlands before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Netherlands.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Netherlands in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 31 October 2021

Application process: 

The residence scheme opened on 1 February 2020.

Applicants are guided through an easy to use interface and will have to upload documents that serve as a proof of their situation (a contract of employment for employees, extract from the Chamber of Commerce for self-employed entrepreneurs, a proof of sufficient resources for inactive people, a registration at the educational institution for students), in addition to a digital copy of their passport. A paper application form is available for those who can’t apply online.
After the application has been received, the applicant will receive a certificate of application. Upon receiving this document, the applicant is invited to make an appointment to register their biometrics.

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will inform the applicant about the decision and the residence document will be provided.

UK nationals and their family members were able to apply for their new residence status until 30 September 2021, since the Dutch government decided in April to extend the grace period.

Late application policy: 

The Netherlands has decided not to prolong the grace period after 30 September 2021. However, the objective remains to limit the consequences of submitting a late application for UK nationals.

That is why the Netherlands has decided to set a period of one year after 30 September during which late applications for a residence document will be processed and assessed on the basis of the residence conditions in the WA, without UK nationals having to provide (excusable) reasons for their late application during this period.

If the conditions under the Withdrawal Agreement are met and the residence document is issued, the UK national’s residence status will become lawful with retroactive effect. This means that, for example, benefits and subsidies that have been stopped because of the illegal residence, can be received again with retroactive effect.

Even after this period of one year, UK nationals who are minors on 1 October 2021 and who apply for a Brexit residence document when they turn 18, will not have to provide excusable grounds because the negligence on the part of the parents should not be on the account of the children.

Available assistance: 

In case an applicant needs help, the dedicated Brexit phone line at IND stands ready to assist. UK nationals can call the Brexit line (+31 (0) 88 0 43 04 10) all working days to seek information about the rights of residence after the Brexit and about how to submit the residence application.

The Dutch authorities made available a paper application for applicants who struggle with submitting their applications digitally. For UK nationals over the age of 70 the IND has made extra efforts for assistance.

In October 2020, the IND started to call all UK nationals in this age group and in February 2021 the IND has sent a postcard and a letter to their home address. The card was signed personally by two dedicated IND Brexit employees. Using this postcard the IND has invited this age group to contact the IND Brexit employees if they have questions or need help with their residence application

Statistical data: 

The Dutch authorities estimate that there are around 45 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2022, 40 200 applications were made for a new Dutch residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 22 800 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 16 400 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Netherlands but live elsewhere can find more information about Dutch laws at

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at and

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Poland before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Poland.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Poland in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme implementing Article 18(4) opened on 1 January 2021.
There is no obligation for UK nationals and their family members to obtain a new residence status and residence document as a condition for legal residence in Poland under the Withdrawal Agreement. Persons qualifying for residence rights under the Withdrawal Agreement are receiving, upon application, a residence document of the same kind as those issued under the EU Free Movement Directive with a statement that these documents had been issued in accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement. 

The residence documents are being issued in a new uniform format and do not bear a reference to EU citizen or the EU Free Movement Directive.

Residence documents granted before the end of transition period remained valid until 31 December 2021 at the latest.

Information on applications that may be submitted from January 1, 2022 may be found at

Available assistance: 

The Polish authorities dealing with the issuance of residence documents assist UK nationals with special needs who may also be exempted from the requirement to apply in person.

The Polish authorities established a dedicated Brexit questions mailbox ( where one can ask any Brexit related questions. Informational activities are carried out by local administrative authorities (Voivodeship Offices) in different forms: by phone, email, online or direct services.

Statistical data: 

The Polish authorities estimate that there are around 5 300 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 30 April 2024, 4 800 applications were made for a new Polish residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 3 100 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 1 400 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers:

United Kingdom nationals who work in Poland but live elsewhere can find more information about Polish laws at (Art. 15).

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at , and

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Portugal before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Portugal.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Portugal in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Portugal in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for the new residence document through an online platform (Brexit Portal) which started operating on 3 December 2020. 

Once the registration on the Brexit Portal is completed, the applicant receives a digital document that confirms the submission of the application under theWithdrawal Agreement.

AIMA will then send a notification for the registered email of citizen, to schedule an appointment through the Brexit Portal to provide his/her biometric data for the issuance of the new residency card.

In order to register on the Brexit Portal, UK nationals residing in Portugal must be in possession of a registration certificate, which should have been obtained at the local town hall until 31 December 2020.

United Kingdom nationals and their family members who do not have such registration certificate, and want to request permit residence under the Withdrawal Agreement in Portugal must send all the documentation that proves they were living in the country prior to 31 December 2020 to

After AIMA analyses and confirm the Withdrawal Agreement status it will be sent an appointment to the applicant citizen to collect the biometric data and to pay the fees.

Available assistance:

UK nationals seeking assistance or information can contact Brexit line by calling +351 217 115 000 or by sending an email to

More information is available on the Brexit Portal: - General information 

Statistical data:

The Portuguese authorities estimate that there are around 39 400 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 39 200 applications were made for a new Portuguese residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 32 400 applications were granted as permanent residence status.

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Romania before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Romania.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Romania in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 31 December 2021

Application process: 

The Emergency Government Ordinance no. 204/2020 is the national law establishing the implementation measures for the Withdrawal Agreement, regarding the right of entry and stay on Romanian territory.

The new residence scheme was opened on 1 December 2020. Applicants have to register in person, both for the right of residence and right of permanent residence. They have to fill in the application and provide required supporting documents. 

hose who hold a valid permanent residence document issued by the Romanian authorities according to current EU legislation can exchange this document for the new residence document through a simplified procedure. Applications need to be submitted to the competent territorial unit of the General Inspectorate for Immigration that will decide on the applications within 30 days from the date of their submission. UK nationals and their family members had until 31 December 2021 to apply for their new residence status.

Late application policy: 

The law establishes the time frame wherein Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries can submit the application for securing the right of stay in Romania in accordance with the new status, as well as a series of related obligations. Failure to comply with the stipulated deadline is considered an administrative violation, sanctioned by a fine, and shall not cause the application to be rejected, nor will it involve the loss of the Withdrawal Agreement rights.

Romanian authorities will treat all late applications as in-time applications, with the only difference that a fine, or a verbal/written warning may be imposed for the late application, if there are no objective reasons justifying non-compliance with the deadline. Subsequently, every late application will be assessed, in order to determine if the substantive conditions are met based on the evidence provided – should this be the case, the status of Withdrawal Agreement beneficiary will be granted. At the same time, if the documents filed do not provide sufficient evidence that the conditions are met, the national law contains provisions for granting a time frame no longer than 30 days, in which the Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries can submit any possible documentation they might have to prove that they meet the legal requirements.

Information on late application policy can be found at

Available assistance: 

Vulnerable UK nationals are assisted by the General Inspectorate for Immigration staff in order to correctly submit their applications. Those UK nationals who cannot, for medical reasons, submit their application in person will be registered at home.
The individual letter sent to all UK nationals includes a contact address for request for special assistance ( All queries received until now have been answered in due time. UK nationals may also contact by phone or e-mail the local immigration unit in the area where they reside.

Moreover, all national authorities assisting potential vulnerable UK nationals (children in care, detained persons) have been informed upon the requirements for obtaining the new residence status, administrative procedures and deadlines for UK nationals, Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries and were asked to provide them with the necessary support in the registration process.

Statistical data:

The Romanian authorities estimate that there are around 1 900 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 1 900 applications were made for a new Romanian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 1 600 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 300 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Romania but live elsewhere can find more information about Romanian laws at

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at 

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Slovakia before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Slovakia.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Slovakia in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 February 2020.

As of 1 January 2021, the current residence status of UK nationals and their family members under the EU Free Movement Directive was transformed ex lege into corresponding permanent or non-permanent residence status depending on the length of their previous stay in Slovakia and they will have until 30 June 2021 to apply to have their old residence document exchanged for a new one.

Available assistance: 

Vulnerable UK nationals are approached by the Slovak authorities on an individual basis, depending on the form of vulnerability and type of help or support needed.

In addition to personal support to vulnerable persons (people living with disabilities, chronically ill, persons with language, literacy or technological barriers) and counselling by the IOM, UK nationals can also contact the Ministry of Interior at

Statistical data:

The Slovak authorities estimate that there are around 3 100 resident United Kingdom nationals.
By 31 December 2023, 1 400 applications were made for a new Slovak residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 800 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 600 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information: 

Information from the Slovak authorities:

Information from the Commission


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Slovenia before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Slovenia.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Slovenia in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 31 December 2021

Application process: 

On 30 March 2021, the National Assembly adopted an amendment to the Foreigners Act, which inter alia implements the Withdrawal Agreement in the part regulating residence rights. The amendment to the Foreigners Act started to apply on 26 May 2021. Until then, the Withdrawal Agreement applied directly. The new residence scheme is opened from 1 January 2021

The new residence scheme is opened from 1 January 2021.

UK nationals and their family members need to apply for a new residence document at the competent authority (administrative unit) within one year from the end of the transitional period or before the expiry of the EU citizens’ registration certificate or residence card for a family member of an EU citizen, if the remaining validity of the current certificate or residence card is less than one year from the end of the transitional period.

Late application policy: 

Article 18(1)(d) is implemented in the first paragraph of Article 141.b (temporary residence permit) and in the first paragraph of Article 141.c (permanent residence permit) of the Foreigners Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 91/21 - official consolidated text and 95/21 - corrigendum), which provide that a UK national and his/her family member who does not apply for a new residence permit within the grace period, shall be subject to the provisions of this Act applicable to third country nationals as regards entry, departure and residence in the Republic of Slovenia, without prejudice to the possibility of applying for a residence permit in accordance with Article 18(1)(d).

The reception and processing of such applications is the responsibility of the administrative units, which have also been given guidelines for work based on the Commission's Guidelines on the WA (Part Two - Citizens' Rights) C (2020) 2939 final of 12. 5. 2020.

The Administrative Unit shall assess all the circumstances and reasons for non-compliance or delay and allow the UK national or his or her family member to submit the application within a reasonable extended period if there are reasonable grounds for non-compliance or delay.

Available assistance: 

UK national seeking help and assistance can contact the Ministry of Interior (phone +386 1 428 40 00 and e-mail or send a written query on

Statistical data: 

The Slovenian authorities estimate that there are around 870 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 740 applications were made for a new Slovenian residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 410 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 320 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Slovenia but live elsewhere can find more information at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members already living in Spain before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Spain.

Type of residence scheme: declaratory

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Spain in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, obtained their new residence status automatically, by operation of law. They may still be required, as an administrative formality, to register with national authorities and apply for a new residence document that will help them certify their new residence status.

Application process:

The new residence scheme opened on 6 July 2020. The procedure for obtaining the new residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement depends on the situation in which UK nationals and their family members find themselves.

  • Those holding a residence document issued under the EU Free Movement Directive will need to visit the police station to have their residence document replaced by a residence document issued under the Withdrawal Agreement (with the sole exception of family members with a temporary residence card who apply for a permanent one, for which a two-step procedure has been established).
  • Withdrawal Agreement beneficiaries without an existing residence document and family members with a temporary card who apply for a permanent one will have to undergo a two-step procedure. First, they will have to visit the Immigration Office that will evaluate compliance with the requirements as established in the Withdrawal Agreement. If the conditions are met, they will have to request the residence document from the police station.

The residence document will indicate whether the residence is permanent or temporary.

There is no deadline for the exchange of current residence documents for those in new format.

UK nationals and non-UK family members can use current residence documents. In case of travel, possession of the new residence document will facilitate border crossing as it will be the proof of the status of the beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement.

Available assistance: 

All measures the Spanish administration offer to vulnerable citizens are also available for UK nationals.

To facilitate the application process for vulnerable persons who may be unable to lodge their applications in person, the Spanish authorities accept applications submitted by legal representative.

Furthermore, enquiries and questions can be solved by phone (“060” phone number). This line, inter alia, provides information and prepares UK nationals for the new application process. In addition to this, questions can be posted in Twitter accounts of competent national authorities.

Statistical data: 

The Spanish authorities estimate that there are around 413 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 22 July 2024, 224 000 applications were made for a new Spanish residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 96 000 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 118 000 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

United Kingdom nationals who work in Spain but live elsewhere can find more information about Spanish laws at

Additional information concerning the application for a frontier worker document is available at

Where to find more information:


The Withdrawal Agreement guarantees United Kingdom nationals and their family members who were living in Sweden before 31 December 2020 broadly the same rights they had before the UK withdrew from the EU: they can continue to live, study and work in Sweden.

Type of residence scheme: constitutive

What does it mean: United Kingdom nationals and their family members, who lawfully resided in Sweden in accordance EU law on free movement on 31 December 2020, must apply for a new residence status. Failure to apply in time may lead to a loss of any entitlement under the Withdrawal Agreement.

Deadline to apply: 31 December 2021

Application process: 

The new residence scheme opened on 1 December 2020. 

UK nationals and their family members who are in Sweden under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement may apply for a new residence status under the Withdrawal Agreement. The application is free of charge and can be made either electronically or on paper. In order to provide biometric data for the residence document, a visit to the migration agency will be necessary. UK nationals and their family members had until 31 December 2021 to apply for their new residence status. 

Family members who join the right holder later should apply within three months of arriving in Sweden.

Late application policy: 

As a general principle, applications for residence status should have been submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency by 31 December 2021. Applications submitted after 31 December 2021 can be accepted under the Withdrawal Agreement, if there are reasonable grounds for the failure to respect the deadline. 

The Swedish Migration Agency will, in accordance with Article 18(1)(d), assess all the circumstances and reasons for not respecting the deadline and shall allow the concerned individuals to submit an application within a reasonable further period of time if there are reasonable grounds for the failure to respect the deadline. The decisions concerning the “reasonable grounds” are made on a case by case basis and consideration will be given to the reasons for the delay and the length of the delay. 

The Swedish Authorities are of the opinion that it would be difficult to provide an exhaustive list of the circumstances which may be considered as reasonable grounds. As mentioned before, each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

UK nationals and their family members who had their applications for the Withdrawal Agreement beneficiary status refused may apply for a residence permit according to the general provisions of the Alien´s Act.

Available assistance: 

UK nationals seeking assistance or information are primarily referred to the Migration Agency's website. The website contains information aimed at British citizens as well as different ways to contact the Swedish Migration Agency.

Statistical data: 

The Swedish authorities estimate that there are around 13 000 resident United Kingdom nationals.

By 31 December 2023, 14 100 applications were made for a new Swedish residence document under the Withdrawal Agreement. 8 000 applications were granted as pre–permanent residence status and 1 900 as permanent residence status.

Additional information for frontier workers: 

Read more about what applies to frontier workers 

Where to find more information: