Anti-fraud measuresFind out how the EU protects its financial interests through the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES).Internal Control FrameworkThe documents related to the Commission's internal control standards and procedures.Rule of law conditionality regulationThe rule of law conditionality regulation that helps further protect the EU budget: how it is applied, how it preserves the end beneficiaries’ rights.Conflict of interestHow the Commission addresses the risk of conflicts of interest and the rules that govern it.Protection measuresHow the Commission ensures that every euro from the budget is spent in line with the rules and generates added value.Public Internal ControlInformation on the system to improve public sector performance in the EU.PIC Compendium
Anti-fraud measuresFind out how the EU protects its financial interests through the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Early Detection and Exclusion System (EDES).
Internal Control FrameworkThe documents related to the Commission's internal control standards and procedures.
Rule of law conditionality regulationThe rule of law conditionality regulation that helps further protect the EU budget: how it is applied, how it preserves the end beneficiaries’ rights.
Conflict of interestHow the Commission addresses the risk of conflicts of interest and the rules that govern it.
Protection measuresHow the Commission ensures that every euro from the budget is spent in line with the rules and generates added value.
Public Internal ControlInformation on the system to improve public sector performance in the EU.PIC Compendium