Consulting Europeans on the EU budget
During the first half of 2025, Commissioner for Budget Piotr Serafin will travel across the European Union to consult decision-makers, regions, citizens, businesses and other relevant stakeholders on the EU budget. These trips will feature visits of many EU-funded projects in diverse fields - from education to research, defense to agriculture and more.
You can follow his trips on this website and on the Commissioner's social media pages.
Tour d'Europe Media Gallery
TdE Slovenia 1TdE Slovenia 1 TdE Slovenia 2TdE Slovenia 2 TdE Slovenia 3TdE Slovenia 3 TdE Slovenia 4TdE Slovenia 4 TdE Slovenia 5TdE Slovenia 5 TdE Slovenia 6TdE Slovenia 6 TdE Slovenia 7TdE Slovenia 7 Copyright Terma Group (3)Copyright Terma Group (3) Copyright Terma Group (2)Copyright Terma Group (2) Copyright Terma Group (1)Copyright Terma Group (1) Copyright Terma Group (4)Copyright Terma Group (4) Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to LuxembourgNadia Calviño, President of the European Investment Bank, right, welcomes Piotr Serafin, left, in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to LuxembourgNadia Calviño, President of the European Investment Bank, right, and Piotr Serafin, left, during a meeting in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to LuxembourgPiotr Serafin, center right, during the Project visit “CBRN action plan", in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to LuxembourgPiotr Serafin, center, during the Project visit “CBRN action plan", in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to LuxembourgPiotr Serafin, right, during the Project visit “CBRN action plan", in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to LuxembourgPiotr Serafin gives a speech at the European Convention Center, in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to LuxembourgClaude Wiseler, President of the Chamber of Deputies, right shakes hands with Piotr Serafin, left, at the Luxembourg Parliament in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to GermanyMarcus Optendrenk, Finance Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, on the left, and Piotr Serafin, second left. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to GermanyHandshake between Peter Stemper, Member of the Managing Board of NRW Bank, on the left, and Piotr Serafin. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to GermanyPiotr Serafin, second left. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to GermanyStefan Engstfeld, NRW Parliamentarians (Green), third left, Caroline Kirsch (SPD), second left, and Piotr Serafin, on the right. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to GermanyFamily photo at the Ericsson Eurolab in Herzogenrath. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to GermanyStefan Engstfeld, NRW Parliamentarians (Green), on the right, Caroline Kirsch (SPD), on the left, and Piotr Serafin. Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to the NetherlandsPiotr Serafin, 5th from the left, at Green Village Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to the NetherlandsConstruction site Porthos Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to the NetherlandsEelco Heinen, 1st, Caspar Veldkamp, 2nd from the left and Piotr Serafin, 2nd from the right Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to the NetherlandsPiotr Serafin, 2nd from the left Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to the NetherlandsPiotr Serafin, 3rd from the right Visit of Piotr Serafin, European Commissioner, to the NetherlandsPiotr Serafin, on the left