Decision-making during weekly meetings - European Commission
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Decision-making during weekly meetings

The Commission meets every week to discuss politically sensitive issues and adopt proposals that need to be agreed on by oral procedure.

The Commission meets every week to discuss politically sensitive issues and adopt proposals that need to be agreed on by oral procedure.

Commission weekly meetings

The College – also known as the ‘College of Commissioners’ – is the political body of the European Commission. It is made up of the 27 Members who are responsible for specific policy areas assigned to them by the President at the beginning of the Commission mandate. They collectively promote the general interest of the Union.

Generally, the Commission meets once per week to discuss various items and take decisions. This weekly decision-making process is known as the oral procedure.

In practice, the College usually meets every Wednesday morning in Brussels. However, during the plenary sessions of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the meeting takes place on a Tuesday.

In addition to the weekly meetings, the President of the Commission can also call for extraordinary College meetings, when circumstances require so. These are held to discuss a particular topic, or in response to a specific event. 

The agenda of Commission meetings

The agenda for each meeting is set by the President of the Commission and is closely linked to the Commission's annual work programme. Each item on the agenda is presented at the meeting by the College Member(s) responsible for the area concerned. A collective decision on the item is then taken by all Members present.

Collective decision-making

The Commission operates on the basis of the principle of collegiality, which serves as the cornerstone of its decision-making process and guides all its work. Decisions are taken collectively by the College of Commissioners, which is accountable to the European Parliament for the decisions it takes. Each of the 27 College Members carries the same weight within the decision-making process and they are on equal footing responsible for the decisions made.

Collegiality guarantees

  • the quality of the decisions taken, since each College Member must be consulted on each proposal;
  • institutional independence, since decisions are adopted without party or national political pressure;
  • the sharing of political responsibility among all Members of the College, even when decisions are taken by majority decision.

The College usually takes decisions by consensus. However, if requested, the College can also decide by voting. In this case, a simple majority of Members of the College must vote in favour of the decision for it to be adopted. Each Member of the Commission (including the President) has one vote and can only vote in person.

Participation in meetings

Members of the College are required to attend all College meetings. Absence from College meetings must be limited to exceptional and justified circumstances.

This reinforces the principle of collegiality which underpins all the work of the Commission and its decision-making process. In the same spirit, the College can only take decisions when there is a quorum, i.e. when a majority of its Members are present.

Minutes of College weekly meetings

The outcome of each meeting discussions is recorded in minutes. They are published online in the Register of Commission documents. 

College meeting minutes