Countries App Interoperable - is this app potentially interoperable? Interoperable - can this app already talk to another app?* Austria The app has been discontinued. Belgium The app has been discontinued. Bulgaria The deployment of a contact tracing app is not foreseen. Croatia Stop COVID-19 Yes Yes Cyprus The app has been discontinued. Czechia The app has been discontinued. Denmark The app has been discontinued. Estonia The app has been discontinued. Finland The app has been discontinued. France TousAntiCovid No No Germany Corona-Warn-App Yes Yes Greece Contact tracing app under development. Yes Hungary The app has been discontinued. No No Ireland COVID Tracker Yes Yes Italy The app has been discontinued. Latvia Apturi Covid Yes Yes Lithuania This app has been discontinued. Luxembourg The deployment of a contact tracing app is not foreseen. Malta The app has been discontinued. The Netherlands The app has been discontinued. Norway The app has been discontinued. Poland The app has been discontinued. Portugal The app has been discontinued. Romania Romania is exploring the development of a contact tracing app. Yes No Slovakia A contact tracing app is being developed. Slovenia #OstaniZdrav Yes Yes Spain The app has been discontinued. Sweden The deployment of a contact tracing app is not foreseen. Disclaimer: This list of contact tracing apps is based on the latest publicly available information. The Commission is not responsible for the development or the deployment of the listed contact tracing apps. While the European Commission seeks to keep this list up to date, we take no responsibility of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness and accuracy of the information provided or individual decisions based thereon. *The European Federation Gateway Service enables different national apps to exchange information and warn you about exposures when you travel across the EU. Questions and Answers.