Details Publication date6 November 2017 Description Report prepared by Luc Van den Brande, President Juncker's Special Adviser on outreach towards citizens. The report takes stock of the Commission's communication outreach and includes concrete communication guidelines and recommendations. It looks at synergies with other European and national actors around promoting dialogue with the public and sets out a framework for a more citizen-focused Europe. The report also looks at the role of communication technologies and highlights the importance of engaging with Europe's youth. Files 6 NOVEMBER 2017Reaching out to EU citizens: A new opportunityOther languages (3)Deutsch(2.89 MB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(2.88 MB - PDF)DownloadNederlands(2.81 MB - PDF)Download 6 NOVEMBER 2017Reaching out to EU citizens — seizing the opportunityOther languages (23)български(468.72 KB - PDF)Downloadespañol(459.58 KB - PDF)Downloadčeština(476.72 KB - PDF)Downloaddansk(460.79 KB - PDF)DownloadDeutsch(463.18 KB - PDF)Downloadeesti(456.31 KB - PDF)Downloadελληνικά(468.06 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(460.96 KB - PDF)DownloadGaeilge(470.04 KB - PDF)Downloadhrvatski(483.1 KB - PDF)Downloaditaliano(458.52 KB - PDF)Downloadlatviešu(492.07 KB - PDF)Downloadlietuvių(479.03 KB - PDF)Downloadmagyar(488.06 KB - PDF)DownloadMalti(485.03 KB - PDF)DownloadNederlands(458.25 KB - PDF)Downloadpolski(482.14 KB - PDF)Downloadportuguês(466.76 KB - PDF)Downloadromână(489.52 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenčina(481.47 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenščina(474.5 KB - PDF)Downloadsuomi(455.54 KB - PDF)Downloadsvenska(462.79 KB - PDF)Download