Details Part of collectionInvestment Plan – what's in it for your sectorPublication date22 July 2016 Description Examples of projects and activities supported GINKGO FUND II Investments to clean up impaired sites (“brownfields”) in the EU. Remediation and regeneration of polluted sites acquired from public and private owners, using environmentally-sound remediation techniques, with the end goal of selling the repositioned property to third parties, thus supporting urban renewal and regeneration. Capenergie 3 Fund An investment fund focusing on onshore wind, solar photovoltaic, hydro and district heating projects. The fund will establish long-term partnerships with European independent power producers in order to invest in small to medium-sized renewable energy projects in France and across the EU. These joint ventures will help the independent and smaller power producers to strengthen their market position and develop their project pipelines. Files 2 AUGUST 2016Green growth and resilience to climate changeOther languages (23)български(212.45 KB - PDF)Downloadespañol(213.34 KB - PDF)Downloadčeština(208.71 KB - PDF)Downloaddansk(206.51 KB - PDF)DownloadDeutsch(220.82 KB - PDF)Downloadeesti(206.29 KB - PDF)Downloadελληνικά(130.96 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(210.2 KB - PDF)DownloadGaeilge(210.14 KB - PDF)Downloadhrvatski(214.08 KB - PDF)Downloaditaliano(209.27 KB - PDF)Downloadlatviešu(199.4 KB - PDF)Downloadlietuvių(204.29 KB - PDF)Downloadmagyar(123.1 KB - PDF)DownloadMalti(213.27 KB - PDF)DownloadNederlands(213.29 KB - PDF)Downloadpolski(215.25 KB - PDF)Downloadportuguês(204.65 KB - PDF)Downloadromână(209.48 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenčina(207.36 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenščina(215.47 KB - PDF)Downloadsuomi(210.16 KB - PDF)Downloadsvenska(197.76 KB - PDF)Download Related links Investment Plan - opportunities for stakeholders