- Publication date
- 15 January 2025
- Author
- Directorate-General for Communication
The Swedish good practice examined two decades of experience in producing an appendix to its annual budget analysing the effect it will have on women’s and men’s income, both overall and from different sources, such as employment, pensions and parental leave. The appendix also considers the effects of government policies on women and men’s income in each spending area. Sweden further requires every ministry to produce a gender impact analysis at an early stage in the budget drafting process, using disaggregated data and gender indicators. Every ministry has to submit plans for new legislation to the Ministry of Finance, describing its aims, costs and impact on gender equality. The innovative BUDGe budgeting tool is then used to work out what the impact would be on women and men.
The Irish good practice discussed its equality budgeting approach, considering not only impacts on gender but protected social groups, such as LGBTQI and people with disabilities, part of a broader performance budgeting package. Ireland has a strong institutional and legal framework for delivering equality budgeting with well-established procedures in place. The annual equality budgeting process starts with departments submitting their metrics to the Department of Public Expenditure, calculating their performance against various targets and outcomes, which leads to a detailed spending analysis, revised estimates and the Public Service Performance Report in May/June. The Equality Budgeting Interdepartmental Network (EBID) brings officials from different departments together to develop and review metrics and by sharing good practice in equality budgeting, builds capacity, so that officials understand what their departments are being asked to do. Ireland’s Better Policy Outcomes project, launched in March 2023, under the European Commission’s TSI Gender Flagship project similarly focuses on capacity building across the civil service.
Discussions at the seminar enabled participants to share and learn from further good practices at the national level with experiences ranging from Member States with well-established gender budgeting systems to those that still have some way to go. The discussions acknowledged the significant challenges in getting gender budgeting on national agendas faced with a Europe-wide backlash against equality issues and the need for a strong political commitment to the process. Participants agreed that there was a need to make the business case for gender budgeting and that a carrots and stick approach with laws, incentives and sanctions can boost take up. There were also calls for an EU Directive on Gender Budgeting, including a definition. Other issues raised included the need to build expertise in gender budgeting through education and training, the lack of critical gender-disaggregated data in many Member States, the need to make gender budgeting part of the budgetary cycle as well as the Commission’s pivotal role in capacity building through initiatives like the Mutual Learning Programme and TSI Gender Flagship project. Overall, participants concluded that the seminar had given them fresh ideas about practical implementation of gender responsive budgeting and next steps to take to roll out gender and equality budgeting EU-wide through the ‘velvet triangle’ of European Commission, government and civil society.