Details Publication date13 June 2017 Description Every department and executive agency of the European Commission publishes an annual activity report. It details achievements, initiatives taken and the financial and human resources spent during the year. Documents Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentAnnual activity report 2016 - Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentAnnual activity report of the Department for Agriculture and Rural Development for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for BudgetAnnual activity report 2016 - BudgetAnnual activity report of the DG Budget for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Climate ActionAnnual activity report 2016 - Climate ActionAnnual activity report of the DG Climate Action for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report1 June 2017Directorate-General for CommunicationAnnual activity report 2016 - CommunicationAnnual activity report of the DG Communication for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyAnnual activity report 2016 - Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyAnnual activity report of the DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for CompetitionAnnual activity report 2016 - CompetitionAnnual activity report of the DG Competition for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Management plan13 June 2017Directorate-General for Economic and Financial AffairsAnnual activity report 2016 - Economic and Financial AffairsAnnual activity report of the DG Economic and Financial Affairs for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Education and Culture Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report13 June 2017Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and CultureAnnual activity report 2016 - Education, Youth, Sport and CultureAnnual activity report of the DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionAnnual activity report 2016 - Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionAnnual activity report of the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for EnergyAnnual activity report 2016 - EnergyAnnual activity report of the DG Energy for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for EnvironmentAnnual activity report 2016 - EnvironmentAnnual activity report of the DG Environment for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Anti-Fraud OfficeAnnual activity report 2016 - European Anti-Fraud OfficeAnnual activity report of the European Anti-Fraud Office for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)Annual activity report 2016 - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)Annual activity report of the DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) for 2016 (achievements and resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Personnel Selection OfficeAnnual activity report 2016 - European Personnel Selection OfficeAnnual activity report of the European Personnel Selection Office for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Political Strategy CentreAnnual activity report 2016 - European Political Strategy CentreAnnual activity report of the European Political Strategy Centre for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Research Council Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - European Research Council Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the European Research Council Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European School of AdministrationAnnual activity report 2016 - European School of AdministrationAnnual activity report of the European School of Administration for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017EurostatAnnual activity report 2016 - EurostatAnnual activity report of Eurostat for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesAnnual activity report of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets UnionAnnual activity report 2016 - Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets UnionAnnual activity report of the DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union for 2016 (achievements and resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Health and Food SafetyAnnual activity report 2016 - Health and Food SafetyAnnual activity report of the DG Health and Food Safety for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Human Resources and SecurityAnnual activity report 2016 - Human Resources and SecurityAnnual activity report of the DG Human Resources and Security for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Digital ServicesAnnual activity report 2016 - InformaticsAnnual activity report of the DG Informatics for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Innovation and Networks Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Internal Audit ServiceAnnual activity report 2017 - Internal Audit ServiceAnnual activity report of the Internal Audit Service for 2017 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsAnnual activity report 2016 - Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsAnnual activity report of the DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for International PartnershipsAnnual activity report 2016 - International Cooperation and DevelopmentAnnual activity report of the DG International Cooperation and Development for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for InterpretationAnnual activity report 2016 - InterpretationAnnual activity report of the DG Interpretation for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Joint Research CentreAnnual activity report 2016 - Joint Research CentreAnnual activity report of the Joint Research Centre for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Justice and ConsumersAnnual activity report 2016 - Justice and ConsumersAnnual activity report of the DG Justice and Consumers for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Legal serviceAnnual activity report 2016 - Legal ServiceAnnual activity report of the Legal Service for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and FisheriesAnnual activity report 2016 - Maritime Affairs and FisheriesAnnual activity report of the DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Migration and Home AffairsAnnual activity report 2016 - Migration and Home AffairsAnnual activity report of the DG Migration and Home Affairs for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Mobility and TransportAnnual activity report 2016 - Mobility and TransportAnnual activity report of the DG Mobility and Transport for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsAnnual activity report 2016 - Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsAnnual activity report of the DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in BrusselsAnnual activity report 2016 - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in BrusselsAnnual activity report of the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in LuxembourgAnnual activity report 2016 - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in LuxembourgAnnual activity report of the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Luxembourg for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual EntitlementsAnnual activity report 2016 - Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual EntitlementsAnnual activity report of the Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements for 2016 (achievements and resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Publications Office of the European UnionAnnual activity report 2016 - Publications OfficeAnnual activity report of the Publications Office of the European Union for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Regional and Urban PolicyAnnual activity report 2016 - Regional and Urban PolicyAnnual activity report of the DG Regional and Urban Policy for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report29 March 2018Directorate-General for Research and InnovationAnnual activity report 2017 - Research and InnovationAnnual activity report of the DG Research and Innovation for 2017 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017European Research Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - European Research Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Research Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Secretariat-GeneralAnnual activity report 2016 - Secretariat-GeneralAnnual activity report of the Secretariat-General for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Service for Foreign Policy InstrumentsAnnual activity report 2016 - Service for Foreign Policy InstrumentsAnnual activity report of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Structural Reform SupportAnnual activity report 2016 - Structural Reform SupportAnnual activity report of the Structural Reform Support for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs UnionAnnual activity report 2016 - Taxation and Customs UnionAnnual activity report of the DG Taxation and Customs Union for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Trade and Economic SecurityAnnual activity report 2016 - TradeAnnual activity report of the DG Trade for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent). Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for TranslationAnnual activity report 2016 - TranslationAnnual activity report of the DG Translation for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentAnnual activity report 2016 - Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentAnnual activity report of the Department for Agriculture and Rural Development for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for BudgetAnnual activity report 2016 - BudgetAnnual activity report of the DG Budget for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Climate ActionAnnual activity report 2016 - Climate ActionAnnual activity report of the DG Climate Action for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report1 June 2017Directorate-General for CommunicationAnnual activity report 2016 - CommunicationAnnual activity report of the DG Communication for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyAnnual activity report 2016 - Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyAnnual activity report of the DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for CompetitionAnnual activity report 2016 - CompetitionAnnual activity report of the DG Competition for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Management plan13 June 2017Directorate-General for Economic and Financial AffairsAnnual activity report 2016 - Economic and Financial AffairsAnnual activity report of the DG Economic and Financial Affairs for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Education and Culture Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report13 June 2017Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and CultureAnnual activity report 2016 - Education, Youth, Sport and CultureAnnual activity report of the DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionAnnual activity report 2016 - Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionAnnual activity report of the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for EnergyAnnual activity report 2016 - EnergyAnnual activity report of the DG Energy for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for EnvironmentAnnual activity report 2016 - EnvironmentAnnual activity report of the DG Environment for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Anti-Fraud OfficeAnnual activity report 2016 - European Anti-Fraud OfficeAnnual activity report of the European Anti-Fraud Office for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)Annual activity report 2016 - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)Annual activity report of the DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) for 2016 (achievements and resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Personnel Selection OfficeAnnual activity report 2016 - European Personnel Selection OfficeAnnual activity report of the European Personnel Selection Office for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Political Strategy CentreAnnual activity report 2016 - European Political Strategy CentreAnnual activity report of the European Political Strategy Centre for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Research Council Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - European Research Council Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the European Research Council Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European School of AdministrationAnnual activity report 2016 - European School of AdministrationAnnual activity report of the European School of Administration for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017EurostatAnnual activity report 2016 - EurostatAnnual activity report of Eurostat for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesAnnual activity report of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets UnionAnnual activity report 2016 - Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets UnionAnnual activity report of the DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union for 2016 (achievements and resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Health and Food SafetyAnnual activity report 2016 - Health and Food SafetyAnnual activity report of the DG Health and Food Safety for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Human Resources and SecurityAnnual activity report 2016 - Human Resources and SecurityAnnual activity report of the DG Human Resources and Security for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Digital ServicesAnnual activity report 2016 - InformaticsAnnual activity report of the DG Informatics for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - Innovation and Networks Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Internal Audit ServiceAnnual activity report 2017 - Internal Audit ServiceAnnual activity report of the Internal Audit Service for 2017 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsAnnual activity report 2016 - Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsAnnual activity report of the DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for International PartnershipsAnnual activity report 2016 - International Cooperation and DevelopmentAnnual activity report of the DG International Cooperation and Development for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for InterpretationAnnual activity report 2016 - InterpretationAnnual activity report of the DG Interpretation for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Joint Research CentreAnnual activity report 2016 - Joint Research CentreAnnual activity report of the Joint Research Centre for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Justice and ConsumersAnnual activity report 2016 - Justice and ConsumersAnnual activity report of the DG Justice and Consumers for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Legal serviceAnnual activity report 2016 - Legal ServiceAnnual activity report of the Legal Service for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and FisheriesAnnual activity report 2016 - Maritime Affairs and FisheriesAnnual activity report of the DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Migration and Home AffairsAnnual activity report 2016 - Migration and Home AffairsAnnual activity report of the DG Migration and Home Affairs for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Mobility and TransportAnnual activity report 2016 - Mobility and TransportAnnual activity report of the DG Mobility and Transport for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsAnnual activity report 2016 - Neighbourhood and Enlargement NegotiationsAnnual activity report of the DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in BrusselsAnnual activity report 2016 - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in BrusselsAnnual activity report of the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in LuxembourgAnnual activity report 2016 - Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in LuxembourgAnnual activity report of the Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Luxembourg for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual EntitlementsAnnual activity report 2016 - Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual EntitlementsAnnual activity report of the Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements for 2016 (achievements and resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Publications Office of the European UnionAnnual activity report 2016 - Publications OfficeAnnual activity report of the Publications Office of the European Union for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Regional and Urban PolicyAnnual activity report 2016 - Regional and Urban PolicyAnnual activity report of the DG Regional and Urban Policy for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report29 March 2018Directorate-General for Research and InnovationAnnual activity report 2017 - Research and InnovationAnnual activity report of the DG Research and Innovation for 2017 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017European Research Executive AgencyAnnual activity report 2016 - European Research Executive AgencyAnnual activity report of the Research Executive Agency for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Secretariat-GeneralAnnual activity report 2016 - Secretariat-GeneralAnnual activity report of the Secretariat-General for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Service for Foreign Policy InstrumentsAnnual activity report 2016 - Service for Foreign Policy InstrumentsAnnual activity report of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Structural Reform SupportAnnual activity report 2016 - Structural Reform SupportAnnual activity report of the Structural Reform Support for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs UnionAnnual activity report 2016 - Taxation and Customs UnionAnnual activity report of the DG Taxation and Customs Union for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for Trade and Economic SecurityAnnual activity report 2016 - TradeAnnual activity report of the DG Trade for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).
Annual activity report15 June 2017Directorate-General for TranslationAnnual activity report 2016 - TranslationAnnual activity report of the DG Translation for 2016 (achievements and financial/human resources spent).