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Projects (1400)

Showing results 1390 to 1400
Enhancing primary health care logo

This reform, adopted in February 2022, aims at strengthening social inclusion and combating climate change, thus contributing to expected annual greenhouse gas emission savings of 2.6 million tons by 2030 compared to the amount of 2019

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Clima ticket

The KlimaTicket aims at facilitating sustainable nationwide and regional public transport.

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Provision of digital end-user devices to pupil image

With this project digital devices will be provided to school children to fulfil the pedagogical and technical requirements of IT-supported lessons at all school locations.

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Renovation of Volkskundemuseum Wien and Prater Ateliers

The renovation of the Volkskundemuseum Wien and the Prater Ateliers aims to combine their cultural mission with environmentally conscious monument protection and preservation of historical buildings.

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Fully funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility with EUR 54.2 million, the establishment of local ‘community nurses will provide low-threshold and close-to-home care for people in need

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Zero-emission buses

The objective of this investment is to lower the CO2 emissions of the public transport system by increasing the use of zero-emission buses.

Project locations