Youth centre - Smolyan - European Commission
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Youth centre - Smolyan

With over EUR 32 million, the Recovery and Resilience Facility supports the establishment of 21 youth centres in Bulgaria, of which 10 located in district centres, 10 in non-district centres and one national focus centre.

19,500 young people are expected to take part in the activities of the youth centres by June 2026.

The project "Youth Center - Smolyan" is funded with BGN 3.7 million from the RRP.

It aims to address a major challenge in the Municipality of Smolyan, namely the creation of motivation for young people to stay and find realisation in the territory of the municipality.

It will create a physical space, providing modern conditions for personal, professional, cultural and civic development of young people, with the support of a highly qualified, motivated staff of youth workers and specialists in various professional fields.

The center will be housed in a former school building located in the city center which will be completely redeveloped into a youth space with meeting rooms, non-formal learning, culture, art, creativity and sports, accommodation to realise the vision of improving the quality of life of young people in Smolyan.

It will support students and youth aged 13 to 29; students at risk of dropping out or having dropped out of school; NEETs; youth from other vulnerable groups (including Roma); youth workers and leaders.

The project is expected to be completed by 30 June 2026.

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