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Regeneration project for the villages of Contursi Terme and Valva

This investment is part of the ""Piano Nazionale Borghi"" initiative, designed to bolster the economic and social growth of underprivileged regions through cultural Attractiveness of small historic town (Mission 1 – Component 3: Investment 2.1)   

Italy’s Recovery and Resilience Plan contributes to the "Piano Nazionale Borghi" initiative, designed to bolster the economic and social growth of underprivileged regions through cultural rejuvenation of small towns and boosting tourism. The efforts revolve around cohesive cultural projects tailored to local areas. Key measures include: 

  • refurbishing historical landmarks and enhancing public spaces (like eliminating architectural obstacles and upgrading urban amenities), establishing compact cultural services, especially for tourism; 
  • devising and highlighting new pathways such as thematic or historical trails while promoting guided tours;
  • providing financial aid for cultural, creative, tourism-related, commercial, agri-food, and artisanal ventures, aiming to rejuvenate local economies by spotlighting local products, skills, and methods. 

Part of this investment is the project of regeneration of the villages of Contursi Terme and Valva is structured starting from the historical matrix of the territory, evaluating the reuse and functional adaptation of two main public buildings in Contursi, the former Prison and Palazzo Arnone, and of a cultural attractor of primary importance, the Villa of the Marquis d'Ayala in Valva.

These are the buildings of greatest historical-cultural, artistic and architectural value, of the two villages, symbolic places of local communities from which to start to graft a virtuous circuit of socio-economic revitalisation.

The three assets, in fact, despite their 'renewed and enhanced' destination, imprinted with the project, are deeply connected in an intervention strategy that looks at the entire Sele valley, placing themselves as an outpost of a new course that makes 'well-being', not only material, the strong point of the territory, a distinctive element in competition on a local and regional scale and 'brand' on which to focus, especially in terms of tourist promotion (wellness segments - environment- culture- cycle tourism)

The total amount is EUR 2million