Provision of digital skills trainings and set-up of a platform for adult learning - European Commission
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Provision of digital skills trainings and set-up of a platform for adult learning

digital training Bulgaria
Copyright: Bulgarian government

The objective of the investment, financed with close to EUR 165 million from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, is to improve the up- and re-skilling of the workforce, with a focus on digital skills. This will be achieved through the creation of a fully functioning digital platform, offering access to online courses and learning resources, to promote the uptake of distance learning for adults. 

In addition, a network of 760 digital clubs will be established throughout the country, providing access to the training platform free of charge. The investment will help some 500,000 unemployed and employed persons receive basic and/or intermediate level digital skills training and 100,000 unemployed and employed persons validate their basic and/or intermediate level of digital skills knowledge.

The relevant calls for applications have been launched and the implementation of the investment shall be completed by 30 June 2026.

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