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  • Project

Monitoring and restoration of river ecosystems, recovery of aquifers and mitigation of flood risk

Examples of investments at local level:

Restoration of degraded wetlands in Alcudia (Mallorca) for the benefit of citizens and territory

RESTAURALCUDIA aims to curb the degradation process of the urban wetlands of Maristany and the Estany des Ponts, in the Mallorcan population of Alcúdia, through solutions based on nature. This strategic project ensures the mitigation of flood risk, the environmental restoration of habitats and species of native fauna and flora. It also ensures the involvement of the social and economic sectors of the territory in the enhancement of Maristany and the Estany des Ponts as resources for ornithological and nature tourism. Investments shall include the restoration and improvement of degraded habitats, recovery of breeding bird populations through zoning of uses, construction of bird observatories, expropriation of private plots in protected areas, promotion of new educational and cultural uses in restored areas, among others.