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IPCEI - microelectronics - NXP Semiconductors Germany (München)

Microelectronics is an economic multiplier for almost all relevant economic sectors and has a decisive influence on how innovative and therefore economically successful Europe is.

For Germany as a business location, microelectronics is a central building block for successfully driving forward the digital and green transformation: In times of increased geopolitical tensions and uncertainties, secure access to trustworthy microelectronics components is more important than ever for the transformation of the economy and for Germany's and Europe's security of supply.

The targeted expansion of research, design and manufacturing expertise in the microelectronics industry secures technological sovereignty and thus the long-term competitiveness of Germany and Europe as a business location.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is realising a second IPCEI in the fields of microelectronics and communication technologies.

The IPCEI has the motto "Safety, Security, Sustainability and Sovereignty" and aims to catch up in microelectronics and communication technologies, especially in areas where Europe has become technologically dependent on third countries.

This IPCEI comprises four workstreams that map the entire value chain for the production of application-specific components: THINK (AI-enabled processors), SENSE (sensors and optoelectronics), COMMUNICATE (high-frequency electronics and communication applications) and ACT (power electronics).

The participating companies with projects at locations in Germany are involved in all thematic focal points.

These four fields of technology complement each other and are closely interlinked.

This is because chips are not normally supplied separately, but as part of an integrated system.

The funding of the projects is intended to support companies in the transfer of research results through to industrial production.

It is not possible to fund capacity expansion for mass production in an IPCEI.

The funded German companies will realise additional private investment in research and development, production facilities and buildings in the double-digit billion range.

At the same time, the national projects will create more than 4,000 direct new jobs.

In addition, five times as many jobs are expected to be created in companies in the local area as well as in the rest of the value chain and at suppliers.

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