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Innovation in electromobility and recharging points

Copyright: Spanish authorities

 The goal of this investment is to give incentives to the deployment of electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, as well as to encourage individual innovation projects linked to the electro-mobility, value chain and vehicle fleet renewal at large (including exploiting green hydrogen technology). The investment shall also include the installation of public charging stations in residential areas as well as on the national road network. It is part of the strategic project on electric and connected vehicles with a total investment of EUR 2.87 billion from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

  • The scheme MOVES III (managed by regions), with a budget of EUR 626 million, is supporting investing in public charging stations and individuals and companies who want to obtain electric or hybrid cars. EUR 104 million have been awarded so far.
  • MOVES Flotas: two calls have been launched for a total amount of EUR 63.6 million. In the first call, 33 projects have been funded for a total amount of EUR 13.6 million.
  • Two calls of the scheme MOVES Singulares II have been published already for a total budget of EUR 364 million in grants. Calls have focused on encouraging innovative projects by Spanish companies to promote the technological maturity of electric and fuel cell vehicles.

More information can be found on the project webpage here, here and here

More information on the regional implementation of MOVES III can be found at the links below:

  1. Andalucía: Programa de Incentivos a la Movilidad Eficiente y Sostenible (MOVES III Andalucía) | Agencia Andaluza de la Energía (
  2. Aragón: Programa Moves III en Aragón. Gobierno de Aragón (
  3. Asturias: AYUD0323T02 - Ayudas para la implantación de infraestructura de recarga de vehículos eléctricos (Plan MOVES III) - Sede Electrónica (
  4. Baleares: Convocatoria de subvenciones para actuaciones de apoyo a la movilidad eficiente y sostenible 2021 (Programa MOVES III) (
  5. Canarias: Subvenciones del Programa de incentivos ligados a la movilidad eléctrica (MOVES III) - Sede electrónica del Gobierno de Canarias
  6. Cantabria: Moves 3 - Dirección General de Industria, Comercio y Consumo -
  7. Castilla y Léon: Subvenciones del programa de incentivos a la movilidad eficiente y sostenible (Programa Moves III) 2021 | Sede Electrónica | Junta de Castilla y León (
  8. Castilla-La Mancha: PLAN MOVES III | Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha (
  9. Cataluña: MOVES III en Cataluña. Incentivos a la movilidad eficiente y sostenible 2021. Instituto Catalán de Energía (
  10. Extremadura: PROGRAMA MOVES III (
  11. Galicia: IN421R - Subvenciones para la movilidad eléctrica (Programa MOVES III) - Sede Electrónica - Xunta de Galicia
  13. Murcia:Ayudas MOVES III. Región de Murcia - MUI (
  14. Navarra:Programa de incentivos ligados a la movilidad eléctrica (Programa MOVES III) 2021 (
  15. País Vasco:EVE - PROGRAMA MOVES III: Programa de incentivos ligados a la movilidad eléctrica, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia - Financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU - Gobierno Vasco (
  16. Rioja: Oficina electrónica - Official Portal of Government of La Rioja
  17. Comunidad Valenciana: Home (
Copyright: Spanish government
MOVES - Electric Car Charging Stations on Parking Lots
Copyright: Spanish authorities
MOVES image
Copyright: Spanish authorities
#MOVESIII: ayudas para la movilidad sostenible
Copyright: TVidae
Programa Moves Singulares II de ayudas a la movilidad eficiente y sostenible
Copyright: TVidae

Examples of investments at local level

Construction of a first prototype of electric bus of 12 metres for interurban use and journeys of up to 280 km per day

The firm QEVTECH is a frontrunner in electric mobility. Together with the family company Beulas and Arbúcies, with a long tradition in coachworks, they have built a first prototype of an electric bus of 12 metres for interurban use and journeys of up to 280 km per day. The bus will have the potential to be replicated in limited series for sale to national and European operators operating similar routes. The project, with a total budget of EUR 1.9million will receive EUR 858.546 from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Validation of hydrogen technology as a sustainable mobility model in the Balearic Islands

With Recovery and Resilience Facility support, this project aims to demonstrate and validate hydrogen technology, as part of the sustainable mobility model promoted by the city of Palma. It will allow the purchase of five buses running on green hydrogen produced by photovoltaic panels. These vehicles are expected to have a range of 350 km and to be charged in 8 minutes, a much shorter time than other electric mobility technologies. Among the final results, energy savings of 31 % and CO2 emission reductions of 100 % are expected.