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Gradual shift of the healthcare provision and reimbursement framework towards value-based models

The aim of the reform is to introduce and gradually move to value-based healthcare models to complement current volume-based healthcare models, to improve health outcomes and limit costs.

It consists in the development of appropriate value-based models and initiatives, with relevant monitoring mechanisms to measure and track the success of the reform, and the introduction of value-based models in the Reimbursement Decision for primary and in-patient care as per the General Health System Legislation.

The implementation of the reform was completed in February 2024.

Additional Links:

(Annual reimbursement decisions illustrating the inclusion of value-based reimbursement for the primary care, as published in the Government Gazette on 24th June 2022)

(Annual reimbursement decisions illustrating the inclusion of value-based reimbursement for the in-patient care, as published in the Government Gazette on 9th February 2024)