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Efficient selective waste collection in Sant Feliu de Llobregat Municipalities

Efficient selective waste collection in Sant Feliu de Llobregat Municipalities
Copyright: Recollida selectiva

The project aims to promote efficient selective waste collection across various municipal waste streams from a circular economy perspective, contributing to sustainable management.

Titled "Promotion of Selective Collection in Sant Feliu de Llobregat," this NextGenerationEU recovery plan project seeks to enhance the efficient selective collection of different municipal waste fractions, adopting a circular economy viewpoint to foster more sustainable management, save natural resources, and meet existing regulatory goals.

It falls under Line 1 of grants "Projects by local entities in Catalonia within the public service of selective collection and home composting, aimed at both the population and producers of waste similar to municipal waste within their scope."

Planned actions include:

  • A pilot project for locking containers with identification.
  • Reduced openings in underground containers for organic waste.
  • Identification and expansion of door-to-door collection for commercial organic waste.
  • Implementation of used cooking oil collection.
  • Expansion of textile waste collection.
  • Communication and awareness campaign.