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Development of Employment Centres (PES)

Strengthening Public Employment Services (PES) (Mission 5 – Component 1, Investment 1)

Italy’s Recovery and Resilience plan provides for an effective delivery of employment and training services. This measure includes infrastructural investments, the development of regional labour market Observatories, the development of interoperability between regional and national information systems, the design and implementation of training interventions to update the skills of job counsellors. The measure also envisaged the design and implementation of contents and communication channels of the services offered.

The investment is financed by Italy’s Recovery and Resilience plan by EUR 7.714 million.

As part of this investment, the project envisages the provision of a training service, based on an in-depth analysis of the reference context that, starting from the examination of available datam with particular reference to the perception of citizenship income, allows to list the essential indicators, to better define policies and actions for this category and to lay the foundations for the establishment of a regional labour market observatory.

The NRRP funds allocated to this project amount to EUR 16.104