Strengthening Intermediate Healthcare and its facilities (Community Hospitals) (Mission 6 – Component 1, Investment 1.3)Italy’s Recovery and Resilience Plan provides for the creation of at least 307 community hospitals, i.e., healthcare facilities for patients who, following an episode of minor acuity or the relapse of chronic pathologies, require low-intensity and short-term clinical interventions. The objective of this component is to strengthen the Italian National Health Service (NHS) by inter alia enhancing the protection against environmental and climate-change related health risks and better responding to the communities’ needs regarding local care and assistance. Local healthcare assistance is fragmented and subject to regional disparities that result in different levels of healthcare provisions and health outcomes across regions.The investment is financed by Italy’s Recovery and resilience plan by EUR 1.8 billion.The project consisting in the construction of a hospital of Community is part of this investment. The Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta will create a second one entirely financed by regional resources. The works began in September 2023 and the hospital must be completed by March 2026: the forecast is about 245 days of work, and there are no intermediate targets. The NRRP funds allocated to this project amount to EUR 1.9 million. ReferenceM6C1Project locations Italy EU contribution€1 900 000