No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred - European Commission
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  • News article
  • 6 December 2023
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred

Jews And Palestinian Peace Walk In Cologne: local residents shows their solidarity with the victims both side and take a peace walk and demand to stop the war and return the hostage, November2023
©Ying Tang/NurPhoto via Getty Images


Over the last weeks, we have unfortunately witnessed scenes, which we hoped we would never have to see again. There have been alarming increases in hate speech and hate crime, particularly towards the Jewish and Muslim communities, as a result of the crisis in the Middle East. That is why the Commission has today put forward a proposal that steps up efforts to tackle hatred in all its forms in the European Union.

It is planning to do so by reinforcing action across a variety of policies, including security, digital, education, culture and sport. This includes

  • more money towards protecting people and the places in which they worship
  • a new Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online
  • engaging society as a whole to ensure the various initiatives at EU level can reach their full potential

Respect and tolerance are the founding values of our societies. More than that, the unique diversity we have within the EU, is a core part of our European identity. It is only by working together that we will protect these values and preserve our identity. The Commission is therefore also calling on EU Institutions,  countries, civil society organisations and other partners to join forces in this fight.

For more information

Combating hate speech and hate crime 

EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025

EU actions to combat antisemitism

EU actions to combat anti-Muslim hatred

Press release: No place for hate in Europe. Commission and High Representative launch call to action to unite against all forms of hatred




Publication date
6 December 2023
Directorate-General for Communication