Regulatory Scrutiny Board Business Plan 2022 - European Commission
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Regulatory Scrutiny Board Business Plan 2022

The Business Plan describes the planned actions of the Board for 2022. They cover four broad areas of activity: scrutiny, outreach, advice and internal organisation.

Scrutiny of the quality of impact assessments, major evaluations and fitness checks

As in its previous years of operation, in 2022 the Regulatory Scrutiny Board will provide independent quality control on impact assessments and evaluations and support the implementation of Better Regulation in the Commission.

In 2022, the Board will have large number of impact assessments to scrutinise, as indicated in the Commission Work Programme 2022 – Making Europe stronger together. It plans to scrutinise the quality of around 80 impact assessments and around 10 major evaluations and fitness checks.

Advice on specific cases to Commission services and on horizontal better regulation issues

The Board will continue to provide upstream guidance to Directorates-General, at early stages of the elaboration of major evaluations, fitness checks and impact assessments.

The Board will continue to support the evolving better regulation agenda and its application building on its quality scrutiny experience of the last few years.

On the basis of the Commission’s new better regulation communication and the revised tool box (adopted in late 2021), the Board will continue to provide methodological and procedural advice to the Commission’s services, including through its practice of holding upstream support meetings.

Outreach activities

In 2022, the Board will intensify its outreach activities with the European Parliament and the Council, as well as with external stakeholders engaged in regulatory impact analysis and evaluation, especially concerning its role in the wider EU regulatory process. It will continue to inform transparently on all such meetings in which Board members participate. The Board plans to organise a stakeholder networking event in the autumn.

Board internal organisation

The Board will finalise the recruitment of an internal member vacancy. It will continue to work closely with its secretariat provided by the Secretariat-General.