Description Selection reference: SG/TA/03 Function Group and grade: Administrator, grade AD7 Job title: IT Project Officer - Digital Solutions, job nr 411070 Where: Unit SG.C.5 „Digital Solutions and Process Efficiency“, Sector 001 „Information systems“, European Commission, Brussels Publication: 12 December 2022 Application deadline: 10 January 2023, 12.00 hours Brussels time We are The Secretariat-General is the main service of the President. It closely coordinates its work with the other presidential services and the central services to ensure the smooth operation of the institution. In agreement with the President, the Secretariat-General also provides advice and support to the Vice-Presidents in the performance of their role as deputies of the President and coordinators of Groups of Commissioners and Project Teams, as set up by the President. Directorate SG.C is in charge of the Commission’s overall transparency policy. This involves dealing with data protection and coordinating ethics-related institutional issues. The directorate is also responsible for relations with the European Ombudsman and European Anti-Fraud Office. It is in charge of the Secretariat-General’s human resources strategy, financial management, corporate training, process efficiency as well as the portfolio of SG digital solutions together with the associated budgetary planning. Unit SG.C.5 ‘Digital Solutions and Process Efficiency’ provides high quality IT services to the Secretariat-General, the Cabinets and IDEA (Inspire, Debate, Engage and Accelerate Action). We implement – in close collaboration with DIGIT – the corporate and SG digital strategies as well as the digital solutions modernisation plan with a particular focus on “paperless and process automation initiatives” and develop and maintain corporate information systems which are used throughout the Commission or in an inter-institutional context. End-to-end service delivery is done in a cost-effective manner by leveraging best practices in software engineering and service management. The unit has entered a dynamic reorientation phase focussing on state-of-the-art digital solutions, building capacity for the Secretariat-General’s future collaboration needs and promoting cloud developments. The unit numbers about 50 staff members, of whom 15 are officials. The sector for information systems comprises 5 administrators, 1 assistant and approximately 35 service providers. We are a dynamic, motivated and friendly team working closely with our customers on a daily basis to deliver well-performing, user-friendly, quality systems and services. If you would like to work in a challenging, inspiring, open-door environment involving multiple contacts with units across the Secretariat-General, DIGIT as well as Cabinets then this could be your opportunity to give a boost to your professional career. We propose We have an opening for a project manager in the sector for the development and maintenance of information systems, which support core Commission processes. Our systems contribute to our institution's openness and transparency (e.g. EASE providing electronic access to Commission documents, the Register of the Commission Documents, the ATMOS system for the publication of Commissioners’ meetings and missions, the Data Protection Records Management System and the Transparency Register), to better law making (e.g. the Better Regulation Portal/Have your say) and to the monitoring of the implementation of EU law in the Member States (e.g. the THEMIS system for the management of complaints and (pre-)infringements). The Secretariat-General operates at the heart of the Commission and assumes the central role of managing the Commission’s corporate governance bodies encompassing, among others, the Corporate Management Board, Information Technology and Cybersecurity Board (ITCB) and Information Management Steering Board (IMSB). This post offers thus a unique horizontal view of the work of the institution as well as contacts with stakeholders throughout the Commission and in other institutions. As project manager you will: actively participate in the digital transformation and modernisation of the Secretariat-General; organise, coordinate and steer the project teams under your responsibility; manage and motivate the teams to deliver high-quality applications which satisfy user expectations; control and manage the lifecycle of the digital solutions under your responsibility; supervise and monitor the activities under your responsibility against the planning within the time, budget and human ressources available, scale the use of resources and take action in case of deviations; contribute to the delivery of standard PM2 artefacts (business cases, project charters, use cases, architecture canvas documents, data protection by default and by design questionnaires, IT security plans, project and operations status reports, etc.); ensure coordination with stakeholders from the Secretariat-General, other Commission services and the Commission’s corporate IT bodies; ensure that the systems respect the Commission’s and SG’s digital strategy principles and maximise reuse of corporate building blocks; develop, implement and monitor a project quality management framework and plan for the unit; ensure coordination to strengthen the quality of information systems, organise functional, integration, vulnerability, usability and accessibility tests; contribute to the implementation of the action plan that resulted from the 2022 audit of the SG’s IT governance and project management. Unit SG.C.5 adheres to the corporate PM2 and agile methodologies. Most of our systems are based on the J2EE platform and on the Commission's reference solutions and corporate building blocks. Most of them are hosted at DIGIT's data centre but we are also exploring the hosting of systems in the cloud. We also use Microsoft SharePoint and the Microsoft 365 suite of tools for systems supporting collaborative processes. We offer a dynamic and challenging working environment. Service orientation, team spirit and personal engagement are our key factors for success. We believe in lifelong learning and continuous improvement and you will have easy access to training to improve your skills and to keep on top of technology evolution. We look for Candidates who: are motivated and customer-oriented; have very good soft skills and experience in managing teams; have the ability to coordinate with other services; have experience in information system project management, are proficient in the Commission's PM2 and agile methodology, and able to deal with both business and technical stakeholders; have an understanding of the corporate system architecture and are committed to implementing the corporate digital strategy that promotes the reuse of corporate solutions and building blocks; have technical knowledge of the tools or technologies used (e.g. Java, application servers, databases, DevSecOps, cloud, etc.). Having a software development background and understanding software engineering challenges are assets; are familiar with the Commission's IT governance processes; have integrated security, data protection and quality management considerations into their daily work routines; are interested in assuming responsibility for people and projects and can operate autonomously; are very good multi-taskers, organised, proactive and able to deliver on several priorities at the same time; enjoy working in a team where responsibilities may adjust in line with work load and project cycles; are open to life-long learning; have very good oral and written communication skills in English and a good command of French. How to apply? Interested candidates should send their application respecting the deadline of the vacancy to the following email address: HR-BXL-TA-VACANCIESec [dot] europa [dot] eu (HR-BXL-TA-VACANCIES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) and indicating the selection reference SG/TA/03 in the subject. The application must include: Your CV in English A motivation letter in English The duly completed and signed application form. No applications will be accepted after the deadline for applications. Documents sg-ta-03 Vacancy notice and application form