Strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Page contentsPage contents Aims The Single Market Programme (SMP) will provide various forms of support to businesses, in particular SMEs. We aim to boost their competitiveness and sustainability, including in the tourism sector. We will, in particular facilitate access to markets promote entrepreneurship and the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills promote the modernisation of industry and address global and societal challenges Tools Enterprise Europe Network will provide an integrated package of advice to SMEs on how to innovate and grow internationally SME envoy network to promote SME-friendly regulation and policy-making at EU and national level Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Joint cluster initiatives - a new generation of actions involving industrial clusters - groups of specialised enterprises, often SMEs, and other related supporting actors in a location that cooperate closely Other actions covering this objective of the SMP and implementing the EU SME strategy Calls for proposals Calls for proposals for actions supporting EU businesses under the Single Market Programme will be advertised on the website of the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency and published on the European Commission’s Funding and tender portal. Proposals can only be submitted electronically through the Funding and tender portal. Information including the legislation and rules for participation, templates for proposals, evaluations and project reporting can be accessed on the Funding and tender portal. Lead directorate-general Managed by Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Implemented on their behalf by European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency.