Digital Europe Programme - European Commission
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Digital Europe Programme

About the programme

The Digital Europe Programme provides funding for projects in five crucial areas:

  • supercomputing
  • artificial intelligence
  • cybersecurity
  • advanced digital skills
  • ensuring the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society

The programme is designed to bridge the gap between digital technology research and market deployment. It will benefit Europe's citizens and businesses, especially SMEs. Investment under the Digital Europe Programme supports the European Union’s twin objectives of a green transition and digital transformation while strengthening the Union’s resilience and digital sovereignty.

Programme website

Funding opportunities

Calls for proposal

Open and upcoming calls for proposal under the Digital Europe Programme.

Learn how to propose a project, and how the project selection process works.

Budget and performance

Includes performance highlights, key performance indicators, and the performance framework and assessment.

Programme performance webpage

Programme features

Programme duration


Lead Directorate-General
Predecessor programme

ISA², CEF Telecom

Management mode

Direct and indirect management

MFF heading

Single Market, Innovation and Digital


European Strategic Investments

Climate contribution

No target set in the legal basis ()

Total budget 2021-2027

€ 7.59 billion () (current prices)

Relevant regulation