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  • 3 February 2025

Tender opportunities - Digital Services

This page includes information on tenders from the Directorate-General for Digital Services 


European Commission extends the scope of the DPS ITS to include datacentre infrastructure solutions 

On 17 December 2024 the European Commission extended the scope of the Dynamic Purchasing System for IT Supplies ("DPS ITS" - referenced DIGIT/2023/DPS/0002) to include datacentre infrastructure solutions (encompassing both storage and compute), associated equipment, and related services. 

The revised scope of the DPS ITS now covers the acquisition of:

  • End-user Information Technology (IT) equipment and associated services,
  • Infrastructure-related (managed) services, and their associated products, particularly those linked to a digital workplace context (i.e. group printing and imaging solutions),
  • Cybersecurity solutions,
  • Datacentre infrastructure solutions, associated equipment, and related services.

Following this scope extension, the estimated volume of the DPS ITS now amounts to 1,260,000,000 EUR.

The DPS ITS is open for applications until 06 April 2027. Economic operators can apply to participate at any time during its duration, in order to gain access to future competitions.

More information about the DPS ITS:

Call for tenders

Find all calls for tenders from the Directorate-General for Digital Services on TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the online version of the “Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union", where public procurement notices are published, and on the Funding and Tenders Opportunities portal (F&T portal).

Furthermore, the Financial Transparency System database allows you to directly search for the beneficiaries of funding from the EU budget provided by the European Commission.

Modification of contracts

Modifications of contracts as set out in point (c) of Article 175(3) of the Financial Regulation

Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS)

List of all Dynamic Purchasing Systems from the Directorate-General for Digital Services open for applications :

Dynamic Purchasing System for Cloud Services (CLOUD III DPS - DIGIT/2023/DPS/0031)

PROSERV DPS for IT Professional Services (DIGIT/2024/DPS/0001)

Contract notice in TED:

PROSERV DPS in Mercell

Telecommunication Services Dynamic Purchasing System (TELCO DPS - DIGIT/2022/DPS/0019)

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for IT Supplies (DPS ITS - DIGIT/2023/DPS/0002)

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for software (DPS SIDE III - DIGIT/2023/DPS/0001)

Specific clauses applicable to contracts for ICT supplies and services

IPR clauses for inclusion in FWC for ICT services and supplies

This article, elaborated in 2021, is intended to be included in the special conditions of the Framework Contracts (“FWCs”) governing the delivery of services or supplies in the field of information and communication technologies. It covers the intellectual property-related aspects of these contracts.

An explanation on the applicability of the article in relation to other intellectual property clauses included in the Special or General conditions of the FWCs is included in the article itself.

See also: Tender opportunities (Archives)