CloseThis event has ended. The Electricity Regulatory Forum (Florence Forum) was set up to discuss the creation of the internal electricity market. It is currently addressing cross-border trade of electricity, in particular the tarification of cross-border electricity exchanges and the management of scarce interconnection capacity. Participants include national regulatory authorities, Member State governments, the European Commission, TSOs, electricity traders, consumers, network users, and power exchanges. Since 1998 the Forum has met once or twice a year. For social media #EERF19 17 MAY 2019European Electricity Regulatory Forum - Agenda 14 JUNE 2019European Electricity Regulatory Forum - Presentations 19 JUNE 2019European Electricity Regulatory Forum - Conclusions Related links Electricity network codes Clean Energy for All Europeans package Previous editions of the Florence Forum energy policy | energy efficiency | energy union Monday 17 June 2019, 09:00 - Tuesday 18 June 2019, 20:00 (CEST)Florence, Italy Practical information WhenMonday 17 June 2019, 09:00 - Tuesday 18 June 2019, 20:00 (CEST)WhereConvitto Ecclesiastico della Calza, Piazza della Calza 6 Convitto Ecclesiastico della Calza, Piazza della Calza 6, 50125 Florence FI, Italy LanguagesEnglishOrganisersDirectorate-General for Energy