Valdis Dombrovskis - European Commission
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Valdis Dombrovskis

COMMISSIONER (2024-2029) I Economy and Productivity; Implementation and Simplification


Economy and Productivity

As Commissioner for Economy and Productivity, Valdis Dombrovskis’s task is to ensure better policy coordination between the EU and Member States in order to support our common goals.

He is responsible for:

  • making sure that fiscal rules under the Stability and Growth Pact are implemented consistently across the Member States
  • leading the work to continue the implementation of NextGenerationEU and the Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • ensuring that the European Semester supports Europe’s competitiveness, sustainability and social fairness
  • developing a new tool to turn EU competitiveness goals into coordinated national policies
  • enhancing the role of European Investment Fund to increase financing for European companies
  • working on a digital euro and strengthening the international role of the euro

Read more about the EU’s economic policy and the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Implementation and Simplification

Valdis Dombrovskis is also Commissioner for Implementation and Simplification. His task is to reduce the administrative and reporting burden for both people and companies, and ensure EU rules are implemented and enforced better. 

He is responsible for:

  • leading the work of the Commission to review EU law and develop proposals to eliminate overlaps and contradictions 
  • putting in place a new consultation approach to identify the hurdles that stakeholders face when implementing EU rules
  • working to reduce the administrative and reporting burden, in dialogue with all stakeholders and EU institutions
  • leading the negotiations on a renewed agreement between the EU institutions to simplify existing legislation and improve the way new laws are made
  • strengthening and ensuring full compliance with the Commission’s standards for better law-making 
  • supporting other Commissioners to prepare their annual progress report on enforcement and implementation and to coordinate their biannual Implementation Dialogues with stakeholders

Read more about the EU’s efforts to cut red tape


supporting him in his daily work


Commissioner Dombrovskis attends the 50th Anniversary meeting of the Ad Hoc Council
  • Belgium
Commissioner Dombrovskis participates in the meeting of the College of Commissioners
  • Belgium


Meetings and missions

As part of the Commission's commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinet members publish information on and minutes of all meetings they hold with interest representatives. Every two months, they also publish an overview of mission expenses.

European Parliament hearings

Read Commissioner Dombrovskis's answers to the European Parliament questionnaire.

Declaration of interests

In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Commissioner publishes a declaration of interests. A signed, authentic version is published at the bottom of this page. A machine-readable version of all declarations is also available, as required by the Code of Conduct.


  1. 2024-present

    European Commissioner for Economy and Productivity; Implementation and Simplification

  2. 2019-2024

    European Commission Executive Vice-President responsible for an Economy that Works for People (also in charge of trade as of 2020)

  3. 2016-2019

    European Commission Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

  4. 2014-2016

    European Commission Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue

  5. 2014

    Member of the European Parliament representing the European People’s Party

    Member of Parliament (Saeima) in Latvia

  6. 2009-2014

    Prime Minister of Latvia

  7. 2004-2009

    Member of the European Parliament representing the European People’s Party

  8. 2002-2004

    Finance Minister of Latvia

  9. 1998-2002

    Macroeconomic analysis expert, senior economist, chief economist at the Monetary Policy Department, Bank of Latvia


  • 1 DECEMBER 2024
President von der Leyen’s mission letter to Valdis Dombrovskis
  • 21 JANUARY 2025
Declaration of interests - Valdis Dombrovskis