László Kristóffy
Email: laszlo.kristoffy@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 69903
- Strategy, management and coordination of the Cabinet
- HEBDO – preparation of College meetings

Katri Teedumäe
Email: katri.teedumae@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 63224
- Critical Medicines Act
- Health financing
- EU4 Health
- Prevention and non-communicable diseases
- EU Beating Cancer Plan
- Mental health
Responsibilities outside the portfolio
- Trade
- Internal market
- Competition
- Financial market
- Simplification
- Budget
- Interinstitutional relations and foresight

László Andrejkó
Email: laszlo.andrejko@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 69050
- Infringements
- International relations
- Biotech Act
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Prevention and non-communicable diseases
- Cardiovascular
- Tobacco
Responsibilities outside the portfolio
- Rule of law
- Migration
- Energy, climate
- Cohesion
- Crisis management
- Defence

Jana Dabbelt
Email: jana.dabbelt@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 67913
- European Parliament (public health related dossiers)
- Digitalising health – eHealth
- Health systems
- Investing in resilient health systems and health workforce
- Health technology assessment
- Rare diseases, childhood diseases
Responsibilities outside the portfolio
- Digital policy
- Environment, oceans and fisheries
- Jobs and social rights
- Justice
- Ombudsman
- National parliaments
- European Economic and Social Committee
- Committee of Regions

Flavio Facioni
Email: flavio.facioni@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 65629
- European Parliament (food and animal welfare related dossiers)
- Plant health
- Pesticide and biocide
- Nutrition and health claims
Responsibilities outside the portfolio
- Transport
- Agriculture

- Communication strategy
- Relations with the Spokespersons’ Service (SPP)
- Media relations
- Social media

Csaba Kontor
Email: csaba.kontor@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 67732
- Pharma package
- Medical products
- Medical devices
- Clinical trials
- Advanced therapy medicinal products
- European Health Data Space
- Substances of human origin and organs
Responsibilities outside the portfolio
- Democracy and demography
- Equality
- Education, youth, culture and sport
- European Citizens' Initiative

Gabor Wyszoczky
Email: gabor.wyszoczky@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 68412
- Animal welfare
- Animal health and veterinary medicines
- Food safety
Responsibilities outside the portfolio
- Agriculture

Véronique Jamsin (replacing Miriam Cunill Rafael)
Email: veronique.jamsin@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 52660
- Cabinet Administrative Assistant (human and financial resources)
- Digital Ambassador
- Training coordinator
- Contact point of EU Classified Information
- Local Security Officer
- Business Continuity Desk Officer
- Deputy ethics and transparency point of contact
- Document Management Officer back-up

Victor Ruiz Lara
Email: victor.ruiz-lara@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 89790
- Communication coordination
- Relations with the Spokespersons’ service (SPP)
- Webpages

Éva Fadgyas
Email: eva.fadgyas@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 61010

Beatrix Tóth
Email: beatrix.toth@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 68405

Alenka Hrastar
Email: alenka.hrastar@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 83894

Denise Monas
Email: denise.monas@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 61350

Malgorzata Markowska
Email: malgorzata.markowska@ec.europa.eu
Phone number: +32 2 29 66931