Costas Kadis - European Commission Skip to main content

Costas Kadis

COMMISSIONER (2024-2029) | Fisheries and Oceans



As Commissioner for Fisheries, Costas Kadis will develop and implement a long-term vision for a resilient, competitive, and sustainable European fisheries and aquaculture sector to help secure Europe’s food sovereignty. 

He is responsible for: 

  • implementing the current Common Fisheries Policy; evaluating its economic, environmental, and social dimensions
  • preparing a broader vision for the fisheries sector for 2040
  • resolving issues that affect the fishing community and working to support job creation in the fisheries sector
  • protecting the European fisheries chain from unfair global competition, and ensuring stability of access to neighbouring waters
  • developing strategies for EU fisheries cooperation with the rest of the world by pursuing Europe’s zero-tolerance approach to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and working on a new Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements

Read more about the EU’s fisheries policy.


Costas Kadis is also Commissioner for Oceans. His task is to ensure the EU leads global efforts to restore the health and security of the world’s oceans and support coastal communities across Europe.

He is responsible for:

  • presenting a new European Oceans Pact that will ensure coherence across all policy areas linked to the oceans
  • strengthening the EU’s approach to maritime spatial planning to help optimise the different uses of the sea, keeping in mind ocean health
  • developing an EU Ocean Research and Innovation Strategy, including exploring the feasibility of European blue carbon reserves
  • leading efforts to ratify and implement the Treaty on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction
  • ensuring that Europe leads the way on international ocean governance
  • organising Fisheries and Oceans Dialogues to listen to the views of all stakeholders, including small-scale and artisanal fisheries

Read more about the EU’s contribution to international ocean governance.



Latest news will be available soon.


Commissioner Kadis receives the President of the Brittany Region Mr Loïg Chesnais-Girard
Commissioner Kadis receives the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus Mr. Makis Keravnos


Meetings and missions

As part of the Commission's commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinet members publish information on and minutes of all meetings they hold with interest representatives. Every two months, they also publish an overview of mission expenses.

European Parliament hearings

Read Commissioner Kadis's answers to the European Parliament questionnaire.

Declaration of interests

In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Member of the Commission publishes a declaration of interests. The declarations of the Commissioners-designate can be found on the European Parliament’s website, where they were published before the confirmation hearings of the Commissioners. 

The declarations of interests of the new Members of the Commission will be updated and published here at the beginning of 2025 in line with Article 3 of the Code of Conduct for the Members of the European Commission. Machine-readable versions of all declarations will also be made available in line with the requirements of the Code of Conduct. The declarations of interests follow the requirements set out in Article 3 and Annex 1 of the Code of Conduct for Commissioners. 


  1. 2024-present

    European Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans

  2. 2023-2024

    Professor of Biodiversity Conservation, Deputy President of University Council, Head of Nature Conservation Unit, Frederick University

  3. 2018-2023

    Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment

  4. 2014-2018

    Minister of Education Culture

  5. 2005-2014

    Associate Professor, Head of Nature Conservation Unit, Dean of School of Education, Frederick University

  6. 2007-2008

    Minister of Health

  7. 1998-2005

    Head of Unit and Deputy Director General, Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus


  • 1 DECEMBER 2024
President von der Leyen’s mission letter to Costas Kadis
  • ελληνικά
    (197.67 KB - PDF)