Andrius Kubilius - European Commission
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Andrius Kubilius

COMMISSIONER (2024-2029) | Defence and Space


As Commissioner for Defence and Space, Andrius Kubilius works closely with the High Representative and together with Member States on European defence. His task is to help ensure that when it comes to defence, Europe spends more, spends better and spends European. In parallel, he oversees Europe’s space portfolio, reflecting the increasingly contested nature of space and the links with our overall security and defence.

He is responsible for:

  • preparing the White Paper on the Future of European Defence with the objective of framing a new approach to defence and identifying investment needs
  • working with Member States to strengthen military mobility by removing all remaining barriers
  • creating a true Single Market for Defence products and services, notably by making proposals to improve the integration of SMEs in supply chains 
  • overseeing the implementation of the European Defence Industrial Strategy and the reinforcement of the European Defence Fund
  • addressing the EU’s vulnerabilities to cyber and hybrid attacks and build up our resilience and capacity to counter them
  • contributing to strengthen the EU-NATO partnership
  • leading the space portfolio by fostering a strong and innovative space industry, leading the work on a future proposal for an EU Space Law and by proposing a Space Data Economy Strategy
  • ensuring the implementation of the EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence

Read more about the EU’s defence and space policies.


supporting him in his daily work


Commissioner Kubilius participates in Youth Policy Dialogue on defence and security
  • Vilnius, Lithuania


Meetings and missions

As part of the Commission's commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinet members publish information on and minutes of all meetings they hold with interest representatives. Every two months, they also publish an overview of mission expenses.

European Parliament hearings

Read Commissioner Kubilius's answers to the European Parliament questionnaire.

Declaration of interests

In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Commissioner publishes a declaration of interests. A signed, authentic version is published at the bottom of this page. A machine-readable version of all declarations is also available, as required by the Code of Conduct. 


  1. 2024-present

    European Commissioner for Defence and Space

  2. 2019

    Member of the European Parliament

  3. 2012-2016

    Leader of the Opposition

  4. 2008-2012

    Prime Minister of Lithuania

  5. 2006-2008

    Deputy Speaker of the Seimas

  6. 2005-2006

    Leader of the Opposition

  7. 2003-2015

    Chairman of the Homeland Union party

  8. 1992-2019

    Member of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas)

  9. 1999-2000

    Prime Minister of Lithuania

  10. 1996-1999

    First Deputy Speaker of the Seimas


  • 1 DECEMBER 2024
President von der Leyen’s mission letter to Andrius Kubilius
  • 17 FEBRUARY 2025
Declaration of interests - Andrius Kubilius