Country and Venue | Date | Event | Description of event | Target audience | Contact |
AustriaGraz Museum/Schlossbergplatz |
24/09/2021 | Peter Pan book exhibition at Graz Language Festival | Fair. Fair stand with travelling Peter Pan book exhibition at the yearly Language Festival in Graz. | Children, young people,students, teachers, general public | |
AustriaOnline |
30/09/2021 |
Workshop: Translation and Technology The workshop is fully booked |
Workshop. Translation Technology Workshop for university students on the occasion of the European Day of Languages and International Translators Day. |
students upon invitation | |
AustriaOnline |
28/09/2021 | Many paths, many languages - an exchange with Erasmus+ testimonials | Online Info Event. Info event for pupils in cooperation with the national agency Erasmus+ (OeAD) Pupils and teachers who have been abroad with the help of Erasmus+ or who have organised mobility initiatives will share their experience with Erasmus+. We will talk about language learning, language diversity, their views of Europe having participated in Erasmus+ and their wishes for the future of multilingualism and youth exchange in Europe. Our target audience are pupils and language teachers in Austria interested in Erasmus+ long-term mobility initiatives. The audience will be able to ask questions via slido and chat. The event is open to Austrian schools upon registration. |
pupils and teachers | |
BulgariaOnline at |
01/09/2021 | DISCOVER THE RICHNESS OF EU LANGUAGES - EDL Online Quiz | Competition/ Quiz. EDL celebrations 2021 will comprise an online quiz (already a traditional element, as this will be the 4th consecutive year) for broader nationwide coverage. The online quiz will take place from 1 to 26 September 2021 at the following address: . This year also marks the 11th anniversary of EDL celebrations in Bulgaria. To mark this anniversary and encourage broader participation, we envisage to give 11 prizes for the most successful participants in the quiz who will be announced on 27 September (as 26/09 falls on a Sunday). | General public, school and university students, expats | |
CroatiaOnline |
24/09/2021 | Online mini-language courses | Workshop. A one day online event with lectures, quizzes and short educational videos moderated by linguists from cultural institutes and embassies, each for a different EU language. | | |
CroatiaNational radio broadcasting channel
20/09/2021 | Radio quiz | A radio contest organized on the Second radio channel of the Croatian Radiotelevision, accompanied by guests speaking on various language-related topics. | General public | |
Croatiacountry-wide |
01/09/2021 | EDL in schools | Competition/ Quiz. A country-wide pilot-competition for schools. Elementary and secondary schools around Croatia are invited to take part in EDL 2021 with their own events. They are to send in their suggestions by 31st October and the submitted projects will be evaluated by a jury. Three best projects per school category will be awarded prizes, as well as 6 teachers whose work and dedication are an essential part of the project. Winners will be announced on 18th November. | pupils, students, teachers, parents | |
Cyprus |
22/09/2021 | Online contest | Competition/ Quiz. The contest will be in the form of questions and answers and it will entail no cost at all. The contestants will only need to have a social media account. The contest will be held both in Greek and in Turkish. | General public, both Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities | |
Czech RepLucerna Palace (Arcade and Gallery), Prague |
29/09/2021 | Speak Dating in Lucerna + online quiz | Public space event. An afternoon programme of interactive one-to-one language micro-lessons of up to 40 languages for the general public, presented in a gallery and in an adjacent passage located in the very busy Lucerna arcade in the center of Prague. Besides the micro-lessons, there will be other language-related activities on the spot, such as "Spot the language" paper quiz, and also a langauge quiz on the event's website at | General public | |
Czech RepEuropean House, Prague |
19/11/2021 | Speak-dating Junior and award ceremony of “Multilingualism is Treasure” contest | Mini-language course. A speak-dating event for elementary schools, whose students will have won the "Multilingualism is Treasure" painting competition organized by Kamarádi (Friends), a multilingual magazine for (not only) bi-lingual children. The participating schools will be invited to the European House in Prague to attend a mini-speak dating event (10 teachers) and an award ceremony. | Pupils of elementary schools | |
Czech RepRadio campaign |
01/09/2021 | Language quiz on national radio | Radio campaign. A language competition on a leading Czech radio station (Radio Impuls) will accompany the advertising campaign it the weeks leading to the central event of the EDL in the Czech Rep - the Speak Dating in Lucerna Palace in Prague. The listeners will get a chance to answer questions on foreign languages, both in the live broadcast and on the radio station's social media accounts. | General public | |
DenmarkEurope House |
01/09/2021 | Little Red Riding Hood exhibition | Exhibition. The DGT book collection of the Little Red Riding Hood in all the EU languages and many more will be exhibited in Europe House in Copenhagen. | General public | |
DenmarkECML website |
01/09/2021 | Language quiz - audio | Competition/ Quiz. People can listen to jokes in 13 different languages and test their knowledge of foreign languages in the annual online quizz organised by the European Commisson and ECML Denmark. | General public | |
DenmarkOnline |
01/09/2021 | Pan-European Quiz | Competition/ Quiz. The European Commission's pan-European quiz will test your knowledge of facts surrounding European languages. | General public | |
DenmarkOnline |
20/09/2021 | Language café - language is a journey | Mini-language courses. Professional language teachers will give introductions to their language and culture. There will be several events per language over the course of the week. Both individuals and schools from all over Denmark can attend these online classes. The language courses will lead up to a presentation over the theme of EDL 2021 in Denmark - language is a journey - on Friday 24 September. The presentation will be by a well-known Danish author (Sissel-Jo Gazan) who has been translated into 15 languages. Her talk will reflect metaphorical journeys through language and translation. A podcast and an app will be made available which will invite you to take a stroll through the streets of Copenhagen and discover places and buildings that link Copenhagen to France and Germany. | General public and students in upper secondary | |
EstoniaNational Public Broadcasting's radio channel "Vikerraadio" |
24 – 25/09/2021 | Radio guessing game | Competition/ Quiz. The children of the Tallinn European School will read an abstract from a book in their language and radio listeners have to guess the language. | general public | |
EstoniaRakvere |
24/09/2021 | Language Café | Mini-language course. Traditional speak dating event where participants can study foreign languages during mini-language lessons. | general public | |
EstoniaNational Public Broadcasting radio channel "Vikerraadio" |
26/09/2021 | Radio broadcast | Radio broadcast. On Sundays, "Vikerraadio" broadcasts an hour-long program dedicated to language related topics (original title "Keelesaade"). It is agreed with the host that on 26 September I will be the guest of the program to talk about multilingualism, EU languages, etc. | | |
EstoniaRep's website |
07/09/2021 | Online quiz on EU languages | Competition/ Quiz. online quiz | | |
Estonia |
21/09/2021 | Short promotion videos on languages | Social media videos. 3 short videos with native speakers of EU languages. In each video we will have 3-4 native speakers from embassies and/or cultural institutes who say something (related to EDL/EDL events) in their respective languages. To find out the languages spoken in the video, one must watch the video to the end. | | |
FinlandAll secondary and upper secondary schools in Finland |
01/09/2021 | EDL celebration kit 1: Video interview about languages with Tim Sparv, the captain of the Finnish national football team for men+ Promotion on SM and in schools | Video to be shown on SM and in all uppser-secondary schools in Finland. A video interview with Tim Sparv, the captain of the Finnish national football team for men. Tim Sparv will talk about the importance of learning languages and motivate the students to learn more and use their language skills in practice. |
SV and FI speaking pupils | |
FinlandIn the newspaper, in the actual paper and online. |
25/09/2021 | Newspaper article in Swedish on the importance of learning languages | Newspaper article. Article ("op-ed") on language learning in Hufvudstadsbladet on September 25th
General public, in particular young people | |
FinlandThe Europa Experience info point EU@Ode in the library Ode in central Helsinki |
20/09/2021 | Pippi Longstocking in many different languages | Exhibition. Events at EU@Oodi, in cooperation with EU@Oodi and the REP , as well as the European Parliament Liason Office in Finland. During the week of 20-26 September, we are planning several different EDL activities that will take place at the Europa Experience center EU@Ode at the library Ode in the center of Helsinki, in close co-operation with the EC Representation and the European Parliament Liason Office in Finland. The main topic for EDL week at EU@Ode is the character Pippi Longstocking by the world-known and hugely popular Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Last year, it was 75 years since the first Pippi book appeared in Sweden, and the official celebrations continue in 2021. The Pippi books have been translated into 77 different languages and offer us a great opportunity to create a clear language and EDL connection. The different Pippi related activities that we are planning together with the EU@Ode staff are depicted below: Book exhibition: Pippi Longstocking EU@Ode will host a multilingual Pippi Longstocking book exhibition. Language quiz on Pippi Longstocking Participants can test their knowledge of languages at EU@Ode in a small multilingual quiz. Drawing competition about Pippi Longstocking Reading Pippi Longstocking in several languages
General public, especially young children | |
FinlandEuropa Experience EU@Ode at the library Ode in central Helsinki |
20/09/2021 | Fun language activities at EU@Ode | Language activities. Online memory game on languages. There will be several different games and levels to choose between. For instance, the visitors should pair a greeting in a foreign language with the right flag, such as "Hola" and the Spanish flag. "I love languages, because…"
General public | |
FinlandVirtual event |
26/09/2021 | Virtual EDL Week event | Panel discussion, virtual event and mini-language courses. There will be a dedicated main site for the event week (26.9.-1.10.) on the web pages of the University of Helsinki, where the materials can be viewed throughout the week and beyond. The site serves as the main website for the event, which partners can link to their own website. The materials include: videos from partners, presentations from the Helsinki University and articles by experts The event consists of three parts: 1) A panel discussion with experts, 2) A virtual event (hybrid live streaming) for the general public (especially schools), and 3) A speak date event for the general public.
Open to all interested | |
FranceVirtual event |
24/09/2021 | Dictée multilingue 2021 | Competition/ Quiz. Sixth edition of the multilingual dictation organised each year by the Representation in France: online dictation in six languages (English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch) about a topic interesting the EU, filmed in a setting related to languages. Participating classes receive diplomas for every participating student and goodies for the ten best students in each class. | French Secondary schools | |
FranceVirtual event |
27/09/2021 | Plurilingues et fiers de l'être | Competition / Quiz. Online quiz and games about France and it's languages, including regional and migration languages and languages learned at school. The quiz will start on 27/9, with new topics every week during four weeks. | General public | |
FranceHybrid |
28/09/2021 | EDL day online | Series of activities. Day long celebration of EDL in a school with various presentations, interviews and quizzes | General public | |
GermanyEuropa-Galerie shopping mall Saarbrücken |
27/09/2021 | EDL/Commission stand in shopping mall | physical event. We would like to bring the EU closer to the public, offer publications in multiple languages, inform interested visitors about job opportunities at the EU and promote language learning. At the same time, language institutes and adult education centres will offer suitable courses. | Students and people interested in language learning and job opportunities at the EU | |
GermanyCentral libraries in Berlin |
27/09/2021 | Sprachenbad | Mini-language course. Language taster classes for 8-10 year old pupils. | Pupils 8-10 years old | |
GermanyPolish Institute Berlin |
28/09/2021 | Discussion on 'The Linguistic Future of Europe'(event linked to CoFE) | Panel discussion. Linguistic and cultural diversity is an integral part of the EU and the European Treaties. In our EDL panel discussion we will celebrate and explore multilingualism in Europe. We will focus on different European languages and the multilingual future of Europe: What can be done and is being done to promote all languages in the EU? What do the cultural institutes specifically do to promote their language and culture? How to overcome challenges? What is the role of English? How do German and French develop in the EU? What is the role of Polish, etc.? We will also exchange ideas and good practices to promote all EU languages. The discussion will also be organised within the Conference on the Future of Europe. Live streaming available at: Please register here: |
Adults interested in languages | |
Greece |
25/09/2021 | EDL fair | Fair. Story telling by professional story tellers, with stories from different countries and languages. | general public | |
Greece |
09/10/2021 | Online Speak Date | Mini-language course. Online mini language course. 20-minute speak dates delivered by foreign language teachers, in about 30 languages. |
general public | |
Greecetbd |
02/10/2021 | Online conference on multilingualism in education | coorganiser and speaker. A conference presenting examples of educational activities promoting multilingualism in Greece and abroad. It will also include a presentation of activities by the Athens Field Office | General public but mostly students and teaching staff | |
HungaryNational Library of Foreign Literature (Reading Hall) and online (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) |
25/09/2021 | "The Wonders of Languages" - Literary translation workshop & the award ceremony of a literary translation competition co-organised by the Library and DGT | A literary translation workshop and the award ceremony of a literary translation competition co-organised by the Library and DGT/ A literary translation workshop with the participation of 3 eminent Hungarian literary translators in the grand Reading Hall of the Library between 13.00 and 16.00 on 25 September 2021. The three renowned literary translators would translate a shorter poem by a contemporary Romanian poet on the spot. The workshop would be followed by the award ceremony of a literary translation competition the Library is planning to launch together with DGT for young literary translators. In the course of the competition, which is to be announced in May, the competitors would have to translate a poem by the same contemporary Romanian poet into Hungarian. | General public interested in languages, literature and in particular literary translation | |
HungaryOnline |
26/09/2021 | EDL online quiz | Competition/ Quiz. Online quiz on languages and multilingualism (15 questions) | General public, people interested in languages and language learning | |
HungaryItalian Institute of Culture in Budapest |
24/09/2021 | European Languages Cocktail Bar in Budapest | Public space event. Multilingual event enabling some 20 organizations working in the field of cultural relations, cultural diplomacy and education to get together and create an opportunity to inform the public about their work in the field of multilingualism, language teaching and cultural relations in an attractive, fun and creative way. The objective is to raise awareness of the importance of learning and mastering foreign languages and celebrate the European Day of Languages. Quizzes, multilingual entertainment, raffle etc. DGT stand: game and dissemination of DGT-related information. | Young people, students, language teachers, general public | |
Ireland |
17/09/2021 | Try a new language - online event to mark EDL and Culture Night | 20-minutes taster classes - 17 languages. Initially designed as a public space event (2019), the 'Try a new language' project will take place online for the second year running. The event will again be part of the Culture Night festival - and will be organised in conjunction with Languages Connect | General public (including children) | |
ItalyMuseo Explora - Il Museo dei Bambini di Roma |
26/09/2021 | Little Prince Touring Exhibition - Children's Activities | Children's activities. focusing on The Little PrinceExplora, The Children's Museum n Rome, will host a whole day of educational activities focusing on the novel The Little Prince. | Children and families | |
ItalyBiblioteca europea-Rome |
28/09/2021 | Little Prince Touring Exhibition - Children's Activities | Children's activities. focusing on The Little Prince. The DGT book collection of the Little Prince in all the EU languages and many more will be exhibited in the Biblioteca europea in Rome | Children and families | |
LatviaEU House |
27/09/2021 | Open language classes | Mini-language course. 40-minute classes on cultures and languages of Europe. | General public (language learners and interested people of all ages) | |
Lithuania |
28/09/2021 | Languages, translation and speculative fiction | Series of activities. The event will consist of four parts: Competition of original speculative fiction short stories Competition of translation of speculative fiction short storiesMini-conference on languages, translation, and speculative fictionBrain battle on languages, translation, and speculative fiction. In May, students of secondary schools will be invited to submit their original speculative fiction short stories (up to 2000 characters). The topic of a story has to be related to languages, for example, decoding of secrets of forgotten languages, communication in intergalactic language, first contact with aliens, etc. Stories can be written by a single student or by teams. Each story should be translated into a foreign language by another student(s), member(s) of a team. The jury made of FO, fiction writer(s), university teacher(s), and professional translator(s) will nominate the best three original stories and best three translations. Winners will get valuable prizes and together with other selected teams will be invited to contest in the online EDL brain battle on languages, translation, and speculative fiction on September 28. In total, there will be 24. The well-known Lithuanian performers Artūras Vyšniauskas will run the brain battle. YouTube and Google Forms will be used for the game. Three winning teams of the brain battle will receive valuable prizes. An online mini-conference will precede the game. Three prominent people will give 20-minute speeches each. The topics are languages, translation, creative writing, and speculative fiction. The conference will be open to public. |
secondary school students | |
LithuaniaVilnius, different venues: National Parliament and Lithuanian Teachers House OR online |
24/09/2021 | European Day of Languages in Vilnius 2021 | Series of activities. The event will consist of five parts: • Radio quiz • Contest of Drawings on Languages (physical) • Competition of Translation of Songs (physical) • Language Taster Classes (online) • Brain Battle on Languages (online) In the early morning around 7 a.m., the celebration of EDL will start with radio quiz on the popular radio station M-1 FM. Popular radio DJs will talk about EDL, promote EDL events and ask questions about languages (selected from the Pan-European quiz). In total, the quiz will get four times on the air that day. Winners of quizzes will get DGT promo prizes. 10 a.m. the award ceremony of the winners of the Drawing Contest and the Competition of Translation of Song will start at the National Parliament. I Authors of 40 best drawings and 12 best translations will be invited to the ceremony. Winners will receive prizes established by the DGT and partners. Other participants of the ceremony will receive DGT promo items as gifts. As the experience from previous years shows pupils willingly take part in such drawing exercises in a course learning something about foreign languages and Europe in general. The expected number of drawings is 300-500. The best 40 drawings will be exhibited in the NP Palace for one month. Later, in October-December, public libraries/schools in five different Lithuanian cities will host the exhibition. Twelve best translations of songs will be posted on the partners' web page and in Facebook. At noon, representatives of foreign embassies and institutes will give online Language Tester Classes. These classes will cover languages less taught in Lithuania, such as Czech, Croatian, Estonia, Georgian, Hungarian, Turkish, etc. Up to 300 participants by online registration. In the afternoon, the final round of the Brain Battle on Languages will run online. The first pre-selection round will start in secondary schools at the beginning of a school year. Selected schools will have to shot a short video on languages. Later after the final round, the videos shot by participants will be posted on Youtube and the authors of the most liked video will be awarded with DGT promo prizes. Up to 16 teams (max 6 students) will be selected for the final round basing on their video presentations. On 24 September, they will meet for a final round to battle for valuable a valuable prize - visit to Strasbourg/Brussels (a prize is promoted by a EPM Ms Rasa Juknevičienė). Winners of the 2nd and 3d places will be awarded with the coupons of the book shop Other participants of the final round will receive DGT promo items as gifts. |
children, pupils, secondary school students, youth, public | |
Malta |
20/09/2021 | EDL 2021 Malta Online Campaign | Online campaign. A week-long campaign which includes 1) an online Spelling Bee final, with preliminaries, and 2) a speakdating activity. | General public | |
Netherlands |
25/09/2021 | Nederland Vertaalt/Vertaaldag | Conference/ Seminar. In order to underline the importance of good translation and bring it to the attention of a wide audience, Verstegen & Stigter organizes each year the event 'Nederland Vertaalt' (the Netherlands translates). This year, for the first time this succesful event around translation and multilingualism is placed in the context of the EDL celebrations. 'Nederland Vertaalt' consists of a translation contest and a 'Vertaaldag' (translation day), which will take place this year on 25 September in the Beurs van Berlage, a historical building and vibrant meeting point in the heart of Amsterdam. The day will consist of a plenary part and lecture programme for all visitors and four translation workshops for participants in the translation contest. New this year is a mini-translation contest; Dutch baritone Maarten Koningsberger will sing the three best translations. The Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) will host a stand with information on EDL, multingualism and DGT, and DGT information items and gadgets. For the full programme and registration please go to
general public | |
NetherlandsThe Hague, Europe House (connecting online with Brussels, Istanbul, Prague, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Lviv) |
44463 | EDL Languages Speed Challenge 2021 | Competition/ Quiz. Online language competition for students from 10-18 years old, who will translate a message at their level (A1-C1) and try to get it across to partner teams in connected EU-countries, as quicly as possible. The message will be given in English half an hour before the start of the challenge to teams of 2 to 5 students, which will translate the message into their mother tongue. The messages will be checked by the jury. When the whistle blows, the teams will try to get the message across a partner team, on the EEG Anglia Platform, in one of the Break Out Rooms. Everything will be recorded. When the receiving team has finished, they will raise the flag. The jury will stop the time and check the message. In case of inaccuracies, extra time will be added. The team which has transferred the message in the shortest time wins the comptetition. |
Students from 10 to 18 years old, who can translate a message at their level (A1 – C1) and get it across to peers in the connected countries. We will invite any school in Europe to join | |
NetherlandsNHL StendenHogeschool / Video conference |
44465 | EDL Big Event – MySchoolsNetwork | Cross-border. Since 2015, the DGT Field Officer and the MySchoolsNetwork team of the NHL Stenden (University of Applied Sciences) have been organising the so-called 'Big Event' to celebrate the European Day of Languages. It is an annual, multilingual event to promote language awareness among young learners, with respect to both their mother tongue (possibly a minority language) and world languages and linguistic diversity in general. Student teachers of NHL Stenden play a supporting, tutoring role. Students in primary and lower secondary education can participate in two different age groups, through the MySchoolsNetwork, a free, educational online network, connecting teachers, student teachers and pupils all over the world. This year's Big Event theme will be: Create your own 'Wunderkammer'. Students will be invited to create their own mini museum or cabinet of curiosities. The challenge will be threefold: a. deciding what to include in the Wunderkammer b. deciding how to display the private collection of curiosities c. a bi- or trilingual catalogue describing the objects in the Wunderkammer d. (optional) an audio tour in two languages to describe the objects in the Wunderkammer The current situation will be actively addressed by making connections to the present challenges, allowing children to reflect on the world around them. To learn to really see the objects around them, in the places they visit, their homes, their gardens and their towns/villages etc. In addition, concrete tips will be given to teachers as to how they can implement this Big Event in their current classroom situation. This year's Big Event will be launched on 26 September 2021, European Day of Languages. 26 October 2021: deadline for contributions 3 November 2021: virtual awards ceremony (with video connections with participating schools in The Netherlands and abroad)
students in primary and lower secondary education and student teachers | |
NetherlandsSecondary schools in The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht, and Amsterdam public library (OBA) |
44461 | EDL fun language classes 2021 | Mini-language course. The European Day of Languages event will take place on 22/09/2021. The event consists of free sample language classes of approximately 20 minutes for secondary school students aged around 12. For each session, language teachers will go to schools in Utrecht, The Hague and Rotterdam, and the OBA Amsterdam will receive a school from Amsterdam. A novelty this year will be the online DGT quiz, as an introduction to the language classes. As each year, the event will kick-off with a short presentation, given by the DGT Field Officer and a representative of the EUNIC NL cluster on multilingualism and the importance of language learning. |
100-400 secondary school students | |
NetherlandsEurope Hous the Hague |
44457 | Prinsjesfestival-Language quiz NL | Open day. The Representation of the European Commission, the DGT Field Office in The Hague and the Liaison office of the European Parliament in The Hague are opening their doors for the public on the 18th of September for the 'Prinsjesfestival'. During this day we will organize several activities around EU languages, the work of the EU, democracy, peace and justice. We will offer to the public activities such as: • Quiz on EU languages and multilingualism (joint ECML-EC quiz), the EU, democracy justice and peace • EU escape room on different themes • Role play game |
general public | |
NetherlandsAmsterdam Public Library (OBA) |
22/09/2021 | EDL Speak dating 2021 | Public space event. The event will take place on 22/09/2021 in the Amsterdam Public Library (OBA) and will be open for a broad public. Everybody can try one or more languages offered. There will be short five to ten-minute face-to-face sessions with professional language teachers and language university students from EUNIC countries in the Netherlands. During these sessions, one can learn a few words/expressions in a new language, get some insights into the European cultures or have a conversation /practise in a language one already masters. The event promotes linguistic, ethnic and cultural diversity and variety of Europe to foster mutual respect and understanding. It further provides new friendships and professional opportunities. There will be an offer in 15-25 different languages. If neccessary due new COVID-measures, the event can be transformed in an online event. A novelty this year is the kick-off event around the Slovenian Europe Readr project: “Open a book for a better future”, at the OBA Theatre. This kick-of event consists of a talk-show with authors from Europe Readr and local thinkers / local authors writing about the same topic: Future of living (and also its correlation to reading habits and environments):
General public | |
NetherlandsOnline |
26/09/2021 - 02/10/2021 |
Europeana XX Subtitle-a-thon Challenge Amsterdam | Subtitling contest. The Europeana XX Subtitle-a-thon is a crowdsourcing initiative that allows you to create and add subtitles to archival audiovisual clips coming from various European heritage collections available on By sharing your language and subtitling skills, you will contribute to making audiovisual content more accessible to multilingual audiences and widely available. The subtitle-a-thon challenges are part of a raising awareness campaign about the value of multilingual access to AV archival footage and are not intended to compete with or replace professional level translation. Sign up to our events and join the challenge to Subtitle the Past, Translate for the Future. We invite you to: Win a prize for becoming one of the best Europeana XX subtitlers! Each participant will get a Subtitle-a-thon challenge participation certificate. Joining is free and open to everyone. However, participants should have elaborate knowledge of Dutch and English (level C1 and above). To join you need to submit the registration form no later than Thursday, September 23, 2021. Registration will be accepted on a first come first served basis as availability is limited. The subtitle-a-thon is a crowdsourcing event. The subtitles produced by the students will be reviewed and, based on the quality the material, the subtitled will be integrated into the archival clips. WHAT IS EUROPEANA XX? The Europeana XX project focuses on the 20th century and its social, political and economical changes as documented in photographs, videos, paintings and files. It is a Europeana Generic Service project that runs between March 2020 and November 2021 and is financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union. The consortium consists of 17 partners including cultural heritage and education institutions, as well as heritage networks and developer companies across Europe. For more information, see here. IMPORTANT DATES: September 6 - September 23: Registration open (participation will be confirmed within 5 days) |
Advanced language or translation students, teachers, and translation, language, film and media enthusiasts, with elaborate knowledge of Dutch and English (level C1 and above). | |
PolandAtlas Arena, Łódź |
02/10/2021 | European Comic Book | Another edition of the European Comic Book produced by the REP in Warsaw and DGT FO. This year's edition, under the title of PanEuropa versus Covid-19, will focus on EU's efforts in the fight against the pandemic but will also include significant language-related contents, including the importance of language learning and translation. One of the characters - Jerome, a renowned translator with magic powers - will play an essential role in the story line. The comic book will be officially presented at the Comic and Games Festival to be held in the city of Łódź on 2-3 October 2021. Some language promotion activities, such as mini quizzes and riddles will also be staged at the stand. One of the goals of the project is to show the role of translation to general and young public (the publication has become very popular in PL and is distributed in huge numbers) and the community of gamers and comic lovers |
General public | |
PolandKrakow |
02/10/2021 | Open space language game | An open space game to be held on 2 October in cooperation with Krakow-based national culture institutes themed around languages, nature and Green Deal. Pre-registered participants will 'travel' from on culture institute to another to perform language- and culture-related tasks, solve riddles, do mini translations from a number of languages, interact with native speakers, etc. The aim of the game is to collect as many points as possible through a dedicated scoring system but, above all, to have a multilingual fun experience, take a try on translation and implement some of the ideas of the European Green Deal in action. | General public | |
PolandWarsaw |
18/09/2021 | Online seminar on EDL | Part 1 of the event is an online seminar for teachers and educators regarding EDL to be held on 18 Sept. Trainers and FO will share ideas on how to promote languages and multilingualism in a school setting based on European culture motifs, and provide hands-on guidelines, lesson scenarios, teaching aids and materials in English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian. Part 2 includes two demo language lessons on 22 and 23 Sept. | Language teachers and students | |
PolandWarsaw |
02/10/2021 | EDL-ITD Promo Event | A series of meetings and panels to celebrate the combined occasions of European Day of Languages and International Translation Day co-organised with EUNIC cluster Warsaw and Polish Association of Literary Translators. Topics to be raised include the realities of working as a translator, translation and food, indirect translation. | General public | |
PortugalPublic Garden in Faro: Jardim Manuel Bívar |
24/09/2021 | Dia Europeu das Línguas - Fair in public garden in Faro (Algarve) | Fair. 2-day fair of languages and culture of European countries under the motto "Languages and sustainability". Organised in partnership with Europe Direct Algarve and University of Algarve and comprising of: infopoints for each participant, including DGT, Europe Direct Algarve, University of Algarve, public schools, international schools, language schools, migrants' associations, european networks, universities; speak-dating; presentation of a book, multilingual exhibition "Alice in Wonderland"; story telling "Alice in Wonderland"; multilingual reading of "Alice in Wonderland" by members of the public; small theatre play for children "Pi-Pan-Pin" (based on the 3 travelling exhibitions Pippi Longstocking, Peter Pan and Pinnochio) | General public, schools, youngsters | |
PortugalRepresentations' Social Media Facebook and Instagram. |
06/09/2021 | Online quiz on Europe and its languages | Competition/ Quiz. Online quiz on Europe, European Languages and translation. One question posted per day in Representations' Social Media Facebook and Instagram. Winners randomly selected among correct answers. | Social media users (younger people in Instagram) | |
PortugalOnline dedicated platform and Rep's Facebook and YouTube |
24/09/2021 | EDL online event for schools | Workshop. On Friday 24 September, from 10 to 12h30, online event dedicated to schools. This event replaces the visits to schools due to Covid-related limitations. The first par of the event is composed by several presentations on Europe and European languages and the importance of learning languages. After that, the floor will be given to any school that wishes to participate. Under the motto "Languages and Sustainability" schools are invited to send their contributions (video or live presentation). Each contribution should last 5 minutes maximum. A third part of the event will be composed by mini-language courses in several languages |
Schools (target audience: pupils aged 12-15 - 3rd cycle of basic education)
| |
RomaniaOnline and/or hybrid/physical if possible, in schools or at the ED centres in various cities in Romania. |
20/09/2021 | EDL with Europe Direct centres | Webinars and public space events if possible. webinars, language games/quizzes and translation competitions, a ”living library” where guests talk about their experiences with multilingualism (European mobility projects, for instance). | secondary school high school and University students, teachers, people interested in languages | |
RomaniaSocial media and online platforms |
20/09/2021 | LinguaFest 10th edition | Online event/workshop. LinguaFest 10th edition — 24-30 September will consist of a Facebook event with input from inspectorates and schools, consisting of posts and a compilation of best films on multilingualism received in June; online workshop(s) including the award of ELL Certificates + discussion on The future of Europe, e.g. case studies, results from Erasmus + projects, intercomprehension, language skills for NEETs (e.g. starting from the point where young people do not reach mobility because they do not have sufficient communication skills in a foreign language) etc.),. |
secondary-school / highs cool students, youth | |
RomaniaEforie Sud, Constanța County, Romania |
03/09/2021 | “The Little Prince” EDL exhibition at the “Cinemascop /Eforie Colorat” Festival | Public space event. “Cinemascop Open Air Cinema” is a project that aims to reactivate the open air cinema in Eforie Sud by organizing film screenings, exhibitions, residencies and shows. For three months, over 150 hours of Romanian and international film, documentaries and short films will be screened, over 10 exhibitions of contemporary art and workshops will be organized, debates, theatre performances and concerts will take place in the open air cinema. The space will be open from Monday to Sunday throughout the entire project, so during the day the public can visit contemporary art exhibitions, those interested can participate in workshops and discussions, relax by reading a book from the library, or socializing with friends in the relaxation area, while in the evening they will enjoy film screenings. On Sept 3 and 4, the Little Prince multilingual book exhibition and language related games will be dadicated to the EDL, in Eforie Sud. |
children of all ages and their families | |
Romaniaonline |
24/09/2021 | LinguaTest language quiz | Competition/ Quiz. LiguaTEST, with language-related multiple-choice questions. The participants will have a limited amount of time to answer them. The competition runs between Sept 24-Sept 30. There will be a drawing in order to award the luckiest 3 or 5 among the participants with the highest scores (a tablet will be the highest award). | general public | |
Slovakiaonline, ZOOM |
29/09/2021 | European Day of Languages online | Workshop. 2-day event consisting of workshops for language teachers and pupils including lectures on languages and culture. Lectures for broader audience will be web streamed to YouTube and Facebook and interactive workshops for smaller groups will be held via ZOOM. | primary and secondary school teachers and pupils | |
Slovakiacountry-wide |
15/09/2021 | EDL 2021 - Languages all around us | Competition/ Quiz. A country-wide competition for schools. The competition will be launched beginning of September and winners will be announced latest on 22 November 2021. Schools will be able to participate in any of the three basic categories (artistic, literary, audiovisual) and three schools per category will be selected as winners. Special category is intended for secondary schools - organising their own debate under Conference on the Future of Europe. All school contributions will be evaluated against a set of clear criteria by professional jury. | primary and secondary schools | |
SlovakiaBibliotéka Book Fair |
11/11/2021 | Peter Pan travelling book exhibition at Biblioteka Book Fair | Fair. Presentation of DGT and the travelling exhibition of Peter Pan books as part of the yearly Biblioteka Book Fair. | general | |
SlovakiaKošice |
16/09/2021 | Speakdating | Mini-language course. First-ever speakdating event in Košice organised in partnership with the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik. The kick-off event will be held on 16 September. Online material (quizzes, games) will be available on dedicated website until 26 September. Languages on offer will include besides the most known ones also Dutch, Frisian, Slovene, Polish and Georgian. Activities will be targeted at pupils (primary and secondary schools) and teachers (workshops on Erasmus+ etc.). | primary and secondary schools as well as general public | |
26/09/2021 | LingvaKviz 2021 | Competition/ Quiz. LingvaKviz 2021 will offer an even better experience of a language quiz that you could try out last year. This edition will include image and sound-based questions, animations, notifications (for app users) and great prizes. | general public | | |
Slovenia |
22/09/2021 | EDL: Open Air Working Day | EDL 2021 in Slovenia will consist of several events. The two main events are Open Air Working Day (September 22nd) and Language Festival.
Open Air Working Day, firstly introduced last year, proved to be a great success so this year’s event would follow the same concept. This all day EDL event would take place on 22nd September in form of an outdoor event in a picnic resort Orehov gaj in the suburbs of Ljubljana. The main topics will be language awards for best EDL projects, importance of languages and translation in reading culture and the workshop on Multilingual Performing arts. |
Teachers and students of the winning and other schools, members of public administration, general public | |
SloveniaOnline event; broadcasted from REP (or one of participating schools) |
21/09/2021 | EDL: Language festival | The traditional language festival, organised together with the youth centre Etnika will be dedicated to the celebration of linguistic and cultural diversity. It will consist of two sessions for primary school students (classes 1-5 and 6-9), including interactive presentations, games and activities in various languages. Several short presentations of lesser-known languages will also be organised. Cultural institutes, embassies and other partners will participate. The live broadcasting will take place either on one of the selected schools or at REP premises, with schools from all over the country participating online. |
School students aged 8-15 (two different sessions will be organised - one for the younger and one for the older group), primary school teachers | |
SloveniaIzola |
26/09/2021 | DGT Pinocchio book exhibition at Europe Read project | Exhibition. Europe Read is a project initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia on the occasion of Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union starting in July 2021 and realised in cooperation with EUNIC. One of the main goals is to promote reading culture. Three spaces of reading will be established in Slovenia, one of them in the main square of Ljubljana. EUNIC Slovenia endeavours to support the installation of this public space and to animate it during one full week, through a series of events, meetings and dialogues. The concluding event will take place during the European day of languages. DGT will participate with a book collection, exhibited in this public space. Interactive activities will include inviting public to open mic reading of Pinocchio in their native or foreign languages; on spot quizzes and questions, giving away promotional items as prizes. |
Children, young people, pupils, students, teachers, families, wider public | |
SpainToledo |
24/09/2021 | Conference "Translators, builders of Europe" | Conference/ Seminar. Presentation of the platform "Translators, builders of Europe" to the general public + two dialogues between 2 specialists + 1 moderator each: • The contribution of translators to the idea of Europe over the centuries with Ana Isabel Martín, Teresa Santamaría and Bartolomé Pozuelo • the idea of a «translated Europe» today. with Carlos Fortea, Marta Rebón and Luis Miguel Pérez Cañada. |
General public, young adults, university students ((hybrid event) | |
SpainMadrid + online |
30/09/2021 | Europa?! Live Quiz on Languages and culture of the EU | Competition/ Quiz. Third edition of the Europa?! quiz | General public, young adults | |
SpainMadrid + online |
22-09-2021 and 25.9.2021 | The Adventure of Translating workshops | Workshops. 22/09: Workshop "The adventure of translating" at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Madrid. 25/09: Workshop "The adventure of translating" at the Institut français in Madrid |
children from 9-12 | |
SpainMadrid + webcast |
20/09/2021 | Press Conference on the European Day of Languages Events in Spain | Press Conference on the European Day of Languages Events in Spain | General Public | |
SwedenEuropahuset |
28/09/2021 | EDL Café 2021 | Public space event. Language café at Europahuset | Students in grades 7-12 | |
SwedenTannbergsskolan Lycksele |
23/09/2021 | EDL Celebrations | Language Pep Talk and Quiz. | High school students grades 10-12 | |
SwedenDragonskolan, Umeå |
21/09/2021 | EDL Celebrations | Language Pep Talk and Quiz. | High school students grades 10-12 | |