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Raffaele Fitto

EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT (2024-2029) | Cohesion and Reforms


Cohesion and reforms

Raffaele Fitto is the Executive Vice-President for Cohesion and Reforms. His task is to ensure that the EU continues to support reforms and investments that directly contribute to strengthening European growth.

He is responsible for:

  • leading the work to deliver on the agreed reforms and investments set out in Member States’ Recovery and Resilience Plans
  • working with colleagues to ensure the full implementation of NextGenerationEU while working in dialogue with stakeholders and regional and local authorities
  • making European regional economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for future challenges
  • guiding the work to strengthen the competitiveness, resilience and sustainability of the food and farming sector
  • guiding the work on sustainable mobility and tourism 
  • helping to ensure that the EU’s fisheries sector and wider blue economy becomes more resilient, sustainable and competitive

Read more about the Recovery and Resilience Facility and NextGenerationEU.

Cohesion policy, regional development and cities

Raffaele Fitto is also responsible for cohesion policy, regional development and cities. His task is to ensure that Europe invests in and supports Member States, regions, local authorities and people.

He is responsible for:

  • designing a strengthened, modernised cohesion and growth policy, working in partnership with national, regional and local authorities
  • supporting community needs and tackling regional disparities so that all citizens have an effective right to stay in the place they call home
  • ensuring that specific challenges facing people in regions are addressed 
  • ensuring EU cohesion policy is implemented effectively through the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund, as well as supporting the implementation of the Just Transition Fund
  • putting forward an ambitious policy agenda for cities, looking at issues such as housing, climate action, digitalisation, mobility, social inclusion and equality
  • ensuring that the specific economic and social challenges facing islands and outermost regions are taken into account
  • contributing to the pre-enlargement policy reviews by reflecting on the future of cohesion policy in a larger Union
  • strengthening social and economic conditions of the Turkish Cypriot Community and monitoring implementation of the Green Line Regulation in view of facilitating the reunification of Cyprus

Read more about the EU’s regional policy.



Executive Vice-President Fitto meets withwith Miklós Bóka, Minister for European Union Affairs and Tibor Navracsics, Minister for Regional Development and Public Administration of Hungary
  • Brussels, Belgium
Executive Vice-President Fitto participates in the164th Plenary Session and Inaugural Plenary Session of the 8th Term of Office of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
  • Brussels, Belgium


Meetings and missions

As part of the Commission's commitment to transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinet members publish information on and minutes of all meetings they hold with interest representatives. Every two months, they also publish an overview of mission expenses.

European Parliament hearings

Read Executive Vice-President Fitto's answers to the European Parliament questionnaire.

Declaration of interests

In line with the Commission's Code of Conduct for Members of the Commission, each Member of the Commission publishes a declaration of interests. The declarations of the Commissioners-designate can be found on the European Parliament’s website, where they were published before the confirmation hearings of the Commissioners.

The declarations of interests of the new Members of the Commission will be updated and published here at the beginning of 2025 in line with Article 3 of the Code of Conduct for the Members of the European Commission. Machine-readable versions of all declarations will also be made available in line with the requirements of the Code of Conduct. The declarations of interests follow the requirements set out in Article 3 and Annex 1 of the Code of Conduct for Commissioners.


  1. 2024-present

    European Commission Executive Vice-President for Cohesion and Reforms

  2. 2022-2024

    Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP

  3. 2022-2024

    Member of the Italian Parliament (Camera dei Deputati)

  4. 2019–2022

    Co-Chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament

  5. 2014–2022

    Member of the European Parliament

  6. 2010–2011

    Minister for Territorial Cohesion

  7. 2008–2010

    Minister for Regional Affairs

  8. 2006–2014

    Member of the Italian Parliament (Camera dei Deputati)

  9. 2005–2006

    Councillor for the Apulia region

  10. 2000–2005

    President of the Apulia region

  11. 1999–2000

    Member of the European Parliament

  12. 1995–1999

    Councillor of the Apulia region and Vice-President of the Regional Council with responsibility for budget

  13. 1994–1995

    Regional Councillor for Tourism for the Apulia region

  14. 1990–1994

    Councillor for the Apulia region


  • 1 DECEMBER 2024
President von der Leyen’s mission letter to Raffaele Fitto