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  • JRC

Joint Research Centre

The JRC provides independent, evidence-based knowledge and science, supporting EU policies to positively impact society. 


The JRC plays a key role at multiple stages of the EU policy cycle. It contributes to the overall objective of Horizon Europe.

We work closely with research and policy organisations in the Member States, with the European institutions and agencies, and with scientific partners in Europe and internationally, including within the United Nations system.

The core strengths we offer are anticipation, integration and impact.

  • Anticipation focuses on what is coming at us, beyond the latest crisis, and being able to provide the scientific underpinning for future policy initiatives.
  • Integration means enhancing our ability to build links between the different scientific and policy areas inside the Commission and beyond, since the challenges we face are so complex that one single area of science can rarely provide all the necessary answers.
  • Last, but not least, impact is about assisting policymakers to track and assess the impact of their policies.

Originally established under the Euratom Treaty, a proportion of our work is in the nuclear field.

In addition, the JRC offers scientific expertise and competences from a very wide range of disciplines in support of almost all EU policy areas.

As described in our JRC Revitalising Strategy 2030, we organise our work in 33 portfolios.

Joint Research Centre website

Mission statement

Leadership and organisation

  • 1 OCTOBER 2024
Joint Research Centre - Organisation chart
  • 19 DECEMBER 2023
Members of the JRC Board of Governors


Joint Research Centre

Joint Research Centre
Phone number
+32 2 299 11 11 (Commission switchboard)
Postal address

European Commission Rue du Champ de Mars 21
1050 Brussels