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Communicating and raising EU visibility

Find information and tips on how to communicate and raise visibility of your project and the European Union.

10 ways for recipients of EU funding to communicate and ensure EU visibility

Under the EU budget 2021-2027, communication and visibility are important parts of all EU programmes. When managing a EU-funded project, here is what is expected of you:

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All recipients of EU funding have a general obligation to acknowledge the origin and ensure the visibility of any EU funding received.

Depending on the programme, you will normally be asked to describe what you plan to do in this regard.

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Every EU programme implements the EU political priorities.

It is important that you link back to these priorities in your communication activities, so that you show the citizens the big picture and how your project contributes to this.

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Engage in specific communication activities. These activities can vary from one programme to another and may depend on the value of the funding received or the specific context. They may include for example

  • the preparation of a detailed communication and dissemination plan
  • rules for websites, social media accounts and communication materials
  • organisation of events
  • relations with media
  • billboards, plaques or other printed or electronic displays
EU flag

Use the EU emblem correctly and prominently.

The EU emblem is the single-most important visual brand used to acknowledge the origin and  ensure the visibility of EU funding. Apart from the EU emblem, no other visual identity or logo may be used to highlight EU support  The EU emblem should not be modified or merged with any other graphic elements or texts. If other logos are displayed in addition to the Union emblem, the Union emblem should have at least the same size as the biggest of the other logos. For further information, please consult our detailed guidelines on the use of the EU emblem (link to the guidelines).

Display a simple funding statement, mentioning the European Union’s support.

EU logos for funding
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The funding statement “Funded by the European Union” or “Co-funded by the European Union” should always be spelled out in full and placed next to the emblem. You can download the correct version of the EU emblem together with the funding statement from our multilingual download centre. 

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Use accurate information:

in times of disinformation and misinformation, it is important that you use official and relevant sources and EU websites when sharing information about the EU. In addition, information about your project needs to be factually correct and not misleading.

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Involve the EU when communicating:

depending on the programme, you might be obliged to involve the EU when communicating, for example when

  • your project is expected to have a major media impact
  • it is of strategic importance
  • it is above a certain financial value
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Remember that communication and visibility count among eligible costs.

Any expenditure related to communication and visibility is part of the action and can benefit from EU funding.

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Grant the EU the right to use your communication material.

The European Union has the right to use communication material produced and owned by the recipients of EU funding. This right is granted in the form of a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable licence. The cost of this licence can be covered by EU funding. The ownership of the material remains with the recipients of the EU funding.

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There may be financial reductions in case of non-respect of the requirements.

If recipients of EU funding breach any of their contractual obligations, the EU’s financial contribution may be reduced.

For details and any eventual policy-specific adjustments to these requirements, please check your programme, its funding rules and the financing agreement.

Six reasons to communicate about your EU-funded project under Horizon Europe



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