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What do we want to achieve and where are we now?

The Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 aims to ensure that persons with disabilities can fully participate in society, on an equal basis with others. Even though the past decades brought progress, many obstacles remain. The EU’s ten-year strategy scales up European action to improve the lives of persons with disabilities.

In the Strategy, the Commission indicated that it will develop and publish, in 2021, a monitoring framework for the objectives and actions of this strategy.

Below you can find a description of the situation of persons with disabilities compared to those without disabilities and the state of play of the various actions undertaken under this strategy.

The strategy aims to remove barriers to equal participation

According to 2018 data:

  •  50,8% of persons with disabilities are in employement compared to 75% without disabilities
  • 26,4% of persons with disabilities are at risk of poverty and social exclusion compared to 18,4% of persons without disabilities
  • 4 times more persons with disabilities report unmet helthcare needs than those without disabilities
  • Only 29,4% fo persons with disabilities attain a tertiary degree compared to 43,8% of those without disabilities

The gaps between persons with and without disability vary among EU Member States.

Progress achieved on the European Commission’s actions in the strategy

The Commission called on Member States to contribute to the implementation of the strategy and they will contribute with different actions.

Data collection

The Commission, together with the Member States, collects data on the situation of persons in the EU. The data is disaggregated by age, sex and disability in some important surveys:

The strategy contributes to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan. In the action plan and in the strategy the Commission asked Member States to set targets to close the employment gap between persons with and without disabilities and to set targets for the education of adults with disabilities.