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European Roma Platform & Roma Summits

Information about various meetings to cooperate and exchange experiences.

How the platform works

The European Platform for Roma Inclusion ("EPRI") brings together national governments, the EU, international organisations and Roma civil society. It aims to stimulate cooperation and an exchange of experience on successful Roma inclusion.

Roma platform meetings

17th European Platform for Roma Inclusion - Brussels, 1 October 2024

The 17th European Platform for Roma Inclusion, organized by the European Commission's DG JUST, will take place in Brussels on 1 October 2024.

Visit the official event page


Find all previous editions of the European Platform for Roma Inclusion:

Roma summits

The European Commission regularly organises Roma summits in order to bring together high level representatives of EU institutions, national governments and civil society organisations from all over Europe.

Inclusion of Roma is a joint responsibility of Member States and the European Union. The Commission monitors the progress made by Member States through the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies.

Roma summits are organised to take stock of the progress made in Roma inclusion at EU and national level and to renew commitments at the highest political level.