Details Publication date12 March 2021 (Last updated on: 25 January 2022) Files 8 APRIL 2022Reply to a petition addressed to VP President Věra Jourová, Commissioner Thierry Breton and Commissioner Didier Reynders regarding the objectives of the sustainable corporate governance initiative 31 MARCH 2022Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen, to stop the abolition of digital privacy of correspondence ("e-Privacy Derogation”)Other languages (1)Deutsch(278.33 KB - PDF)Download 28 FEBRUARY 2022Réponse à une pétition adressée à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen, sur les préoccupations concernant la politique nucléaire de la France et son incidence sur le climat (CYBERACTORS) 11 FEBRUARY 2022Reply to a petition addressed to Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis calling to support the temporary waiver on intellectual property (WTO discussions Covid-19 pandemic) 9 FEBRUARY 2022Reply to a petition addressed to VP Margrethe Vestager , Commissioner Kadri Simson and Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans about the climate neutrality to achieving the EU-Green Deal (COM(2021)713)Other languages (2)Deutsch(195.77 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(190.03 KB - PDF)Download 4 FEBRUARY 2022Reply to a petition addressed to VP Margrethe Vestager about the position of the public service broadcasting in Germany (Petition zu Beihilfen an den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk) 26 JANUARY 2022Reply to a petition addressed to EVP Frans Timmermans to act about the Glasgow resolution and the EU climate action 25 JANUARY 2022Reply to a petition addressed to EVP Frans Timmermans calling to protect our forests (Renewable Energy Directive) 14 JANUARY 2022Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der LEYEN on new genomic techniques - Petition zu neuartigen genomischen Verfahren (Test Biotech) 3 JANUARY 2022Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Sinkevicius to stop the LIFE project “Letsgo Giglio” which, among other actions, foresees the eradication of mouflon on the Island of Giglio 2 JANUARY 2022Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der LEYEN regarding working conditions of the members of the honorary judiciary in Italy 21 DECEMBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der LEYEN to request to ban exports of live animalsOther languages (1)Deutsch(92.13 KB - PDF)Download 20 DECEMBER 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Johansson on the violation of the fundamental human rights at the external borders of the European Union. 20 DECEMBER 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Johansson concerning the situation of refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border. 7 DECEMBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der LEYEN regarding LGBT ideology-free-zones – resolution adopted in PolandOther languages (1)polski(343.08 KB - PDF)Download 7 DECEMBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to Vice-President Vĕra Jourová about the inclusion of nuclear energy into the green taxonomyOther languages (1)čeština(179.03 KB - PDF)Download 26 NOVEMBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen and to several members of the Commission about the LGBTQI law in Hungary 4 NOVEMBER 2021Réponse à une pétition adressée à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen, appelant à soutenir l’avenir du secteur énergétique français 4 NOVEMBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to EVP Frans Timmermans calling to protect global biodiversity (#Motion101ForHalf) 28 OCTOBER 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Johansson on the difficulties that the residents of the SaarMoselle Eurodistrict have due to the German travel restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic 26 OCTOBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen on the classification of new genetic engineering techniques (Initiative GENial)Other languages (1)Deutsch(194.16 KB - PDF)Download 21 OCTOBER 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Sinkevicius asking to stop hunting cetaceans in the Faroe Islands 18 OCTOBER 2021Réponse à une pétition adressée au Vice-Président exécutif Frans Timmermans et à la Commissaire européenne Kadri Simson concernant l’objectif de l’UE pour les énergies recouvrables en 2030 15 OCTOBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen and EVP Frans Timmermans calling to StopFake Renewables 13 OCTOBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen regarding the new Pact on Asylum and Migration 12 OCTOBER 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Sinkevicius asking for a ban on captive Orca breeding within the EU. 12 OCTOBER 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Sinkevicius calling for a ban on bottom trawling in all Marine Protected Areas 11 OCTOBER 2021Reply to a petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen against the Facebook currency Libra/Diem (stablecoin)Other languages (1)Deutsch(165.84 KB - PDF)Download 29 SEPTEMBER 2021Risposta alla petizione inviata al Commissario Sinkevicius chiedendo un urgente ed efficace intervento contro gli incendi in Sicilia 24 SEPTEMBER 2021Réponse à une pétition adressée à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen, appelant à interdire l’utilisation d’animaux sauvages dans les cirques 24 SEPTEMBER 2021Réponse à une pétition adressée à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen, appelant à interdire la plumaison d’oies vivantes à l’échelon de l’Union 24 SEPTEMBER 2021Reply to petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen to stop cage farming in Europe and via imports 31 AUGUST 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Sinkevicius to take action to prevent and reverse the nature and climate crisis by ending destructive overfishing. 16 AUGUST 2021Reply to petition sent to Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans and several Members of the College of Commissioners and Commission services on the Fridays For Future’s appeal concerning the "Fit For 55" package 26 JULY 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Sinkevicius in relation to the EU Digital COVID Certificate 19 JULY 2021Réponse à une pétition adressée à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen, concernant la politique agricole commune (PAC) sur le pacte vert 6 JULY 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Simson regarding the end of the net-metering scheme for self-consumers in Flanders 18 JUNE 2021Réponse à une pétition adressée à la Présidente Ursula von der Leyen, concernant l’additif alimentaire dioxyde de titane (E 171) 10 JUNE 2021Reply to petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen, EVP Vestager, VP Jourová and Commissioners Breton, Dalli, Johansson, Reynders, expressing your concerns about automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation 3 JUNE 2021Reply to petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen regarding the future of the Common Agricultural Policy – “Save our EU Green Deal, withdraw this CAP!”Other languages (4)français(180.51 KB - PDF)Downloaditaliano(174.57 KB - PDF)DownloadNederlands(177.51 KB - PDF)Downloadsvenska(179.19 KB - PDF)Download 2 JUNE 2021Réponse à une pétition adressée au Vice-Président Exécutif Frans Timmermans et au Commissaire Virginijus Sinkevičius demandant d’arrêter les produits associés à la dégradation des forêts au monde 1 JUNE 2021Reply to petition addressed to Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis raising concerns about the EU Mercosur Agreement 27 MAY 2021Reply to petition addressed to Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis concerning intellectual property rights in relation to COVID-19 vaccines 27 MAY 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Johansson calling for joint testing and vaccination strategies to prevent the spread of mutation of COVID-19 27 MAY 2021Reply to petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen regarding human rights and the rule of law in Türkiye 25 MAY 2021Reply to petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen regarding Amendment 171 proposed by the European Parliament about the protection of dairy terms 21 MAY 2021Reply to petition addressed to President Ursula von der Leyen regarding the conflict situation in Tigray (Ethiopia) 19 MAY 2021Reply to petition addressed to Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis raising concerns over the current situation of contract workers and temporary substitutes in SpainOther languages (1)español(74.26 KB - PDF)Download 5 MAY 2021Reply to petition addressed to Vice President Vĕra Jourová regarding the rule of law 5 MAY 2021Reply to petition sent to Commissioner Urpilainen “Prevent Mass Atrocities Crimes in Tigray now - The Responsibility to protect” 27 APRIL 2021Antwort auf die Petition " Das illegale Töten der Wölfe durch Behörden in Deutschland hat heute begonnen! ", die an Herrn Kommissar Sinkevicius gesandt wurde 8 APRIL 2021Reply to petition addressed to First Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans calling to end the tax benefits for polluters NOW! 24 MARCH 2021Reply to petition addressed to Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis under the ONE campaign concerning intellectual property rights in relation to COVID-19 vaccines 12 MARCH 2021Reply to petition addressed to First Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans regarding the Paris Agreement - #MakeParisReal #Fight For1Point5 Related links Responses to petitions sent to Commissioners