Details Part of collectionInvestment Plan - opportunities for stakeholdersPublication date22 July 2016 Description EFSI provides EIB increased capacity to risk financing for large infrastructure projects via the "Infrastructure and Innovation Window”. A €16 billion guarantee from the European budget together with €5 billion from the European Investment Bank helps to leverage support from institutional investors and other lenders. With that in mind, project promoters have a better chance in securing finance for projects with a higher risk profile that, until now, could not receive financial support, or not to the same extent. Files 22 JULY 2016Investment Plan project promoter leafletOther languages (22)български(312.96 KB - PDF)Downloadespañol(298.88 KB - PDF)Downloadčeština(299.93 KB - PDF)Downloaddansk(298.73 KB - PDF)DownloadDeutsch(303.22 KB - PDF)Downloadeesti(320.03 KB - PDF)Downloadελληνικά(329.22 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(298.7 KB - PDF)Downloadhrvatski(300.29 KB - PDF)Downloaditaliano(298.59 KB - PDF)Downloadlatviešu(299.33 KB - PDF)Downloadlietuvių(299.46 KB - PDF)Downloadmagyar(302.38 KB - PDF)DownloadMalti(302.3 KB - PDF)DownloadNederlands(299.07 KB - PDF)Downloadpolski(304.07 KB - PDF)Downloadportuguês(300.26 KB - PDF)Downloadromână(299.98 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenčina(301.44 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenščina(335.14 KB - PDF)Downloadsuomi(298.92 KB - PDF)Downloadsvenska(299.62 KB - PDF)Download